I know

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Part 2

Denki knew.

He knew since they were in first year.

He saw the way Shinsou smiled with him only. He saw the way Shinsou needed to hold his hand whenever something overwhelmed him. He knew that the taller teen felt something deeper then friendship for him.

And he would be lying if he said he didn't feel it too.

He thought of so many time where he wanted to kiss him. Like when they played Mario Kart in his dorm and Shinsou tackled him to the ground, they laughed together. And as the laughter died down their wandering eyes sped up, Shinsou gulped as Denki looked down at his lips. He so desperately wanted to lean up and kiss him like those cheesy romance movies. But he didn't, he instead pushed Shinsou off him while making some sly remarks about how heavy he is. It didn't stop after that, in fact, the him and the blonde had so many close to kissing moments even their friends began to take notice. And that's when the teasing began.

He had imagined ever scenario about Shinsou, But when his dream finally happened...

He froze.

And then Shinsou ran.

The first thing he thought was, "Well damn am I that bad of a kisser?!". But then he remembered he just looked, he didn't kiss back. Well for one they were out in the rain and his quirk was messing with him a little. And for two, he just couldn't believe it. He was starstruck.


The blonde shook his head as they realization kicked him in the brain, Shinsou was running , he tried calling out. But there were electrical sparks all around him and thunder clouded through the heavy rain that made up the sounds of the dark sky. He ran himself then, but Shinsou was long gone, no doubt in his room completing what the heck he just did. Denki'd hand fell on his knees as he took in gasps if air from the running he just did, the door slammed behind him.

He shook his hair out to get rid of the the last remaining water for a moment then bolted.

Like seriously, this kid could be in the fucking flash or something.

Kaminari bolted up to Shinsou's room, he knocked perfusly on the door, not even stopping when he heard a deep, "Go away!". His body shaking with nerves and the electricity still coursing through his veins. He heard soft pattering of feet to the door, then the sound of a lock being clicked. There he was, his best friend with red crying tear stains down his pale cheeks. His hair was more wild then it usually was and his stature was slumped down in an almost hunch.

Shinsou's eyes widened as he saw Denki, "Kaminari! Wait - before you say anything, I just want to tell you that I'm so sor-".

He didn't let him finish.

Instead he pounced on him instead. The blondes arms wrapped around Hitoshi's neck and he pulled him in for a deep, passionate, kiss. It was so sudden that Shinsou almost tripled over his carpet, he he held his position and instead wrapped his arms around Denki's waist and pulled him up. It started a little rough but they melted into it, and when Kaminari pulled away he had a grin on his face.

He patted Shinsou's chest as he said, "You are... An idiot. A hot idiot, but an idiot never the less".

Shinsou's mouth opened slowly, "I-'.

Denki cut him off, "I know", Then he pulled him down to meet his lips once again.

Maybe Hitoshi doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know what they'll do after this. But he's willing to take chances, he's willing to take risks.

After all, that's what you do for the people you love.

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