I don't know

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In all honesty he doesnt know how this happened. He doesn't know how Denki became so attractive to him. He doesn't know how the little blonde boy seemed to make his heart skip a beat. He doesn't know how how Denki has made him smile more times then he could admit. He doesn't know how whenever he looks at him his body lights on fire and his eyes glisten in recognition.

He doesn't know how he ended up kissing the blonde outside in the middle of a thunder storm.

All Hitoshi Shinsou knows is when he pulled away; he panicked. He panicked and ran, with the umbrella they were sharing mind you. Denki stood there, dumbfounded. And Hitoshi ran to his dorm room where he pounced on the bed and cried his eyes out.

Because he doesn't know what he's going to do.

"Fuck I don't know what to do".

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