Stay for the night.

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Denki banged on the door, snow falling down in his shoulders as he was shivering in his clothing. The air breeze blew threw out his hair as he banged against the door again, an angered expression on his face. One last bang until the door finally opened, hot heat going over Denki's body as he looked towards the man.


"The fuck are you doing here?", The man asked, a ciggerate holding out from the side of his mouth, his clothing being a ragged up sweater and black jeans, hands in the back if his pocket.

Denki scoffed as he pushed past him, looking straight ahead to his living room.

"Well damn, come right in", Shinsou rolled his eyes as he closed his door following the blonde over to the living area.

The other stripped himself from his coat and beanie, throwing it on the floor as he turned around with an angered expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", Hitoshi asks causally, putting out the cigeratte in the small ash tray on the coffee table.

"How long?", Kaminari spoke abruptly staring deep into the others eyes. Shinsou raised an eyebrow with the same expression.

"What are you talking-"

"How long Toshi?", He asked again, his tone serious, away from his usual happy and friendly tone.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Denks".

Denki sighed as he took a step forward, "How long were you gonna keep this charade? This... This ignoring me bullshit! ".

Hitoshi's eyes widened a bit as he took a step back this time, "What-".

"Don't even try to act stupid!", Kaminari raised his tone of voice, "How long were you gonna fucking ignore me, act as if nothing happened?! What did you just think you could.. Fuck me! and leave! Not talk to me ever again".


"No! Y-You fucking- you just fucking came into my room and slept with me! Then you just leave, did you even acknowledge how I'd feel, did you?".

"Kaminari calm down!", Hitoshi yelled over him, "Of course I fucking care how you feel! I just..".

Denki gave him a second, a second to let his long time friend to talk, explain why.

"God.. I just.. I couldn't stay there.. I couldn't ..".

"Why?", Denki asked crossing his arms, "I wanted it! I wanted you!.. But I also wanted you to stay! I didn't think it was just some mindless hook up..".

"No! No Denki I didn't want it to just be some one night stand", He gripped the blondes hand, "I wanted you to but.. Fuck! I can't even explain it, I'm.. Just an asshole..".

"Yeah Toshi", He pulled his hand back, "You are..".

Shinsou stood there as the other took in a sigh.

"I'm so sorry Denki.. I am..".

"Yeah.. I am too..", Denki grabbed his coat off the floor and but back on, before walking over to the door.

"Wait wait!", Hitoshi gripped his wrist grabbing Denki's attention, "Where are you going?".

"I'm leaving, there's no point in staying if you can't even tell me you like me, hell! Even that you love me!", He pulled his hand out the grip as he turned the door nob.

"Goodbye Shinsou".

And just like that the door was closed and Shinsou was alone, alone and majorily fucked up.

I gave y'all fluff, smut, now here's the angst.

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