A name across nations- a short

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Wrote this for practice 👍🏽

Denki Kaminari. A name fairly known by the general a public. A man so brave, so.. electrifying. A man afraid of nothing. A man.. who knew how to use his words.

One must think that this man, Denki Kaminari, is nothing more then a hero. A symbol of peace. A mark on the world. A lighting bult across the clouds. A sun shining across the people.

When people look at Denki Kaminari they don't see someone sad, or in despair. No, they see someone who can lean on the doorframe of a house with enough confidence and cockiness to drive away the most evil villain in the world. They see a man who was once called stupid his entire life just to become one of the most prioritize, and benefited people in the world.

Denki Kaminari was a name known well. A name that would spark happiness in someone's soul and make them crack a smile that only God could see. Denki Kaminari was a Saint. An angel.

A savior.

That's why when the headline of, "Number six pro hero, Chargerbolt, alleged to killing husband of 10 years, Mindfuck or better known as Hitoshi Shinsou", shocked millions.

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