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Ryan's POV:

As I go further and further my wolf is turning red and my strength kept increasing.
"White wolves are sacred, but if you believe in your wolf you will know every wolf is just as sacred. Color of the wolf doesn't define its strength its just is a myth." I finally understand what aadya meant.

Alexa wasn't good because she was a white wolf, she was another white wolf who excels in everything. Because white wolves are the alphas of rosewood wolf pack. And I am finally here with the help of Christopher. My wolf, my soul.

Aadya's POV:

"Christopher who?" Nichole asked confused.

"Your beloved brother-in-laws red wolf." He finally aced. I could see from a distance as he's approaching, he's improved so much.

"But let's get it done before he comes here!" Alexa rushed.

While Ryan's task was to bring Alexa back my task was to stop the wedding happening before he arrives. Because he didn't want to miss any occasions or celebrations in his sisters life anymore.

"As as a friend i can see why you are doing this but as his mate, i want you to wait so that a brother wouldn't miss his sisters wedding. He really doesn't want to miss any Lexy. Your brother is home forever."

Even tho Alexa understood what I was saying, she wasn't having any of the emotional drama. Maybe she wasn't ready to loose her mate anymore. But Nichole promised me, if i help her she'd help me too, and she'd help me even if I didn't help her. Not because she loves me as a mate or a friend, but she loves Alexa more than herself.

"Your brother has the wedding rings babe, we can't get married without him." Nichole gave a cheeky grin to Alexa as Alexa fell into silence, i could see the reality kicking in.

"I've already spoke to your brother." Wait when? When did that happen? And he didn't even tell me? And he has the rings?

"I've asked him, no begged him literally. He really loves you, he loves you so much that after everything he only asked if I can hold the wedding until he comes back so he can walk you down the asile."

"And also how can we get married if our flower girl mizu wouldn't bring us the rings." Jenny suggested and i can finally see the character being useful.

"Can I know what's happening? You've already done the vows?" Zara maybe if she understands there is another world other than Jenny she'd definitely know it.

"Well to be particular, we didn't, so we will now. I have a dress ready for you, can you put it on and wait for your brother to bring you here." Nichole asked Alexa so smoothly, was she always like this? She's a demon for hell sake.

"Sure." Alexa just went to get changed as Ryan changed back and came running on to the stage.

"Where is she? I can smell her but i can't see her? Is everything fine come on women speak!" No wait I'm hurt here? He hid the fact that he spoke to Nichole! That too alone?

"Yeah sure give us a break and go get changed. You have to walk her down the aisle now." I said mockingly how dare they hide so much from me.

"Okay I'll just go and get changed, mizu stay with mommy okay daddy will change and come. You gotta get ready too aren't you the flower girl. "

Stay with mommy? Untill daddy come? What the hell is happening here? When did that happen.

"Mom" mizu called me slowly, it felt nice. This was her first time to call me mom but still it felt more close to my heart rather than when I've held for the first time.

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