Chapter 48

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"I'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll come straight back," not waiting for Connor's response. Gino headed down the path leading towards the river.

Gino followed the trail, passing the few people who, like him, came out for their daily stroll, couples and children walking in front of their parents as they picked up both sticks and leaves along the path, swinging them back and forth, Gino nodded his head now and then at the people who walked past in silent greeting.

Following the trail, Gino found himself in a secluded area covered with tall, overhanging trees that grew along the river bank, with large trees growing all around. Standing in the middle of the trail, Gino turned to look at one of the trees nearby, which had large trunks and thick roots that disappeared deep into the ground.

Walking up to the tree, Gino placed his palm on the truck of the enormous tree; closing his eyes, Gino exhaled as memories of Valerio flooded his mind, memories of the conversation that took place at this exact tree a week earlier.

"Come back safely. Your family is waiting for you," whispered Gino.

Just as Gino had spoken those words silently, a loud "thud" sound could be heard, which could only be made when a person was falling at a high altitude.

Whipping his head around, Gino's face froze. Laying a few feet away was Valerio, who appeared to have dropped down from the sky, only morphing back to his human form once he reached the ground.

Running to his lover, Gino picked up Valerio's head and gently placed it on his lap while his eyes scanned the rest of his body. Fresh wounds were visible through his once-white collar shirt.

"Valerio, please hang on; I will return to grandma's house and get help."

Gino tried to get up, but a weak hand grabbing his wrist made him stop his movement.

"Gino, I'm back... I'm back like I promised," whispered Valerio, stopping between words.

Nodding his head, Gino lowered his body and grabbed Valerio's head up to his chest before speaking.

"Yes, Yes, you are here."

"Do you know that not far from here is where your mother saved me all those years ago?"

"No, I did not know; Grandma rarely talked about Mother."

Valerio opened his mouth to speak when he coughed violently, making himself sit up from Gino's warm body. A few seconds later, a mouthful of bright red blood rushed its way out of Valerio's mouth.

"Valerio, are you alright?" asked Gino, his arms going around Valerio's shoulder for support.

Valerio did not answer but suddenly stiffened and grabbed Gino's wrist, making him stand up and walk into the dense forest instead.

"What's happening? Where are we going, Valerio? You need to get treatment."

Destination unknown: Gino continued to be pulled by Valerio to the opposite side of his grandma's house. The more they ran, the more tired and frustrated Gino became. Tired of not knowing what was happening, Gino pulled his wrists away from Valerio's tight hold before speaking.

"What's happening? Why are we running."

"There is no time we have to move", replied Valerio, who all of a sudden did not look like he was dying just moments ago, grabbing Gino's wrists once more.

Prying his wrists away from Valerio's grip, Gino spoke.

"If you do not tell me what is happening this instance, I.." Gino had not finished his sentence when a beam of light whipped past where they stood and landed on one of the trees nearby, splitting it in half.

"We have to go now."

Valerio held on to Gino as the two continued to run; now and then, a tree nearby would be destroyed inches away from where they were.

Worried about Valerio's injuries, Gino continued running behind him when suddenly, his foot tripped over a fallen tree branch, making him fall face-first to the ground and resulting in Valerio loosening his grip on his wrist.

"Are you alright? Can you get up?"

"Yes, I'm alright", replied Gino, who tried to stand up only to fall again.

"Ouch, my ankle,

"Let me see."

Bending down to look at Gino's foot, Valerio's nostril flared as he got up once more and delivered a fireball into the sky. A loud, painful roar could be heard above them, followed by silence.

Gino held his breath and waited for what would come, but nothing happened. Thinking that Valerio's fire blast had killed them, he let out a sigh and opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again when he heard the sound of laughing coming from every direction, making him feel frightened.

"Haha, I didn't think I would meet you again; I thought you had parish in the battle with the hunters. Today is my lucky day. I will be known far and wide for the death of the famous Valerio, whose name is feared throughout the land. Once I kill you, I will be glad to look after your little human over there."

"You would have to go through me first."

"Haha, that would be too easy considering how damaged you are."

"Lucky for you, I have enough strength to deliver you to death's door."

The smirk on Don's face disappeared as he ran towards Valerio's, hands balled, ready to strike. Gino gasped and tried to get up from his spot on the ground when he suddenly flew two hundred meters away from the fighting scene. Once he knew what Valerio had done, Gino limped back a few meters and hid behind a large tree where he was close to the fight but far enough not to get in the way.

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