Chapter 1 - A Son

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A hooded figure moved quietly through the castle, sticking to the shadows. He opened one door first, stalking over to the bed at the center of the room, pulling back the drapes covering it. He put his hand over the boy's mouth, startling him awake. The boy panicked before seeing who it was, closing his eyes as he moved his hand off of him.

"Five more minutes," he told him, closing his eyes and moving to go back to sleep.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince. Come. We must hurry." He pulled Caspian out of bed and across the room.

"Professor, what's going on?"

"Your aunt has given birth. To a son." They both turned as the door opened, Caspian preparing to fight before the girl closed the door and he relaxed again.

"Idalla, what are you doing here?"

"I was studying," she told them as she walked across the room to meet them at the wardrobe as Professor Cornelius pulled out clothing. "I heard the news."

"And you know what it means," he told his sister and she nodded.

"I'm ready to go with you," she held up her small bag and he noticed the riding gear she wore along with her maroon cloak.

"You can stay here though. You have no threat to the throne."

"I'm not letting you go out there alone."

"Quickly," Cornelius called as he finished packing the bag, handing it to Caspian as he opened a false door in the back. "Come." They glanced at the door once more as they heard footsteps, seeing movement from underneath. Caspian pushed Idalla in first, closing the doors behind himself and watching through a small crack as Glozelle and his men entered the room, surrounding the bed and aiming their crossbows. They all fired, reading and shooting again until the drapes fell away and revealed an empty bed. Idalla grabbed Caspian's hand and pulled him down the passage after Cornelius. They exited the secret passageway in the armory, Caspian grabbing a chestplate and sword as Idalla went for a dagger. "You must make for the woods," Cornelius told them as they each mounted their horses.

"The woods?" Caspian asked.

"They won't follow you there." He fished out a package, handing it to Caspian. "It has taken me many years to find this. Do not use it except as your greatest need."

"Will we ever see you again?"

"I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more I meant to tell you. So much more to teach you," he looked at Idalla. "Everything you know is about to change." They heard the clamoring of soldiers as they came nearer. "Now go!" Caspian and Idalla took off, their horses clomping through the courtyard.

"Halt!" soldiers yelled, holding up their spears in an attempt to block them, but they just ran through, Caspian grabbing one of the spears and throwing it into a fire, causing embers to fly out. They crossed the bridge, not looking back at the palace behind them until fireworks exploded.

"A son! A son!" messengers shared through the town. "Lady Prunaprismia has this night given Lord Miraz a son!"

"Caspian, we have to go," Idalla urged him as more soldiers on horses started to come across the bridge. They urged their horses to go fast, glancing back every few seconds as they made their way to the woods. They broke through the treeline, hearing horses whinny behind them as the soldiers paused at the edge before hearing the footsteps pick up again. "They're not stopping!"
"And neither are we," Caspian said as they drove their horses to go faster. They made it to the river, charging through the deep waters as quickly as they could. They looked behind them to see the soldiers following closely behind, some horses and soldiers falling to the currents. They made it across, weaving their way through the woods together, gaining as much ground as they could.

"Look out!" she called as Caspian turned his head back in front of him, only to be hit in the face by a low hanging branch knocking him to the ground. His horse continued to run, pulling Caspian by the foot. He desperately tried to untangle his foot, eventually getting free and laying on the ground as the horse ran away. Idalla stopped her horse, getting off and going over to him. "Are you alright?" He nodded and they both looked around, only now becoming frightened by the dark woods around them. A light caught their eyes, making them turn to the right, Idalla's horse becoming spooked and running off as two figures, short in stature, walked towards them-- one with a torch in his hand, the other with a sword.

"They've seen us," one of them said. Caspian glanced to where his sword had fallen out of its sheath, laying a few feet away. They both scrambled back as one of the figures came closer with his sword raised as Idalla pulled out her dagger, holding it in front of them. The figure stopped as he saw the intricately carved horn laying on the ground next to Caspian. The small man glanced behind him at his friend. They all looked off into the distance as they heard horses whinny and get closer. "Take care of him," he instructed his friend, running in the direction of the soldiers. The other man came closer and Caspian reached for the horn, blowing as loud as possible.

"No!" the man called and before they knew it, the siblings were knocked out cold. 

Thank you all for reading the first chapter of this book! I wrote it a couple months ago while in quarantine. I hope you enjoy!

The Coming Storm - Book 1 (Caspian x Sister OC) (Edmund x OC) (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now