Chapter 12 - The Storm

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Caspian and Susan rode out of the woods and back to the Great Mound, seeing Peter and Miraz stop fighting. They agreed to take a break as Caspian and Susan got off the horse, walking to where Edmund stood as Peter came back.

"Lucy?" Peter panicked.

"She got through." Susan glanced at Caspian. "With a little help."

"Thanks," Peter told him.

"Well, you were busy."

"Where's Idalla?" Edmund asked.

"She's with Lucy. I figured they would make a good pair." Edmund clenched his jaw and nodded.


"This way," Idalla told her as they made their way through the woods. "So," she started after a few minutes of quiet, "I couldn't have been the only one to see those looks your sister and my brother were giving."

"I do think they would make quite the pair," Lucy smiled.

"You and I both."

"Another pairing I could see is you and my brother."

"Peter and I can barely speak without both of us seeing red," she glanced back at her.

"Not Peter," she said and Idalla blushed. "So you do like him."

"It doesn't matter. This isn't the time for affections. We're fighting a war."

"Maybe it's the perfect time then," she said, looking over at Idalla as they rode side by side. They both glanced behind their shoulders as they heard distant shouts and the ground shook.

"They've started fighting," Idalla realized and they both drove their horses faster. They flew through the woods, trees blurring beside them as they went faster than they knew possible. They turned as they heard sounds behind them, seeing a Telmarine. "Faster!" she shouted at Lucy.

"Wait!" she yelled before they both screamed and their horses reared as a lion came up beside them, roaring loud enough to shake the earth. Lucy and Idalla fell off their horses, looking up as the lion looked at them before pouncing on the Telmarine, his horse running off as Idalla steadied theirs. "Aslan," she heard Lucy call, turning to see her run to the lion, both falling to the ground as she hugged him. "I knew it was you. The whole time, I knew it. But the others didn't believe me," she told him as Idalla slowly walked over.

"And why would that stop you from coming to me?"

She was quiet. "I'm sorry. I was too scared to come alone."

"I see you aren't alone," he told her and she looked over her shoulder.

"This is-"

"Idalla, Princess of Telmar." She kneeled. "Stand. And sit," he invited her and she sat beside Lucy.

"Why wouldn't you show yourself?" Lucy asked him. "Why couldn't you come roaring in and save us like last time?"

"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."

"If I'd come earlier," she asked hesitantly, "would everyone who died... Could I have stopped that?"

"Lucy," Idalla said quietly.

"We can never know what would have happened, Lucy," Aslan told her. "But what will happen is another matter entirely."

"Can you help us?" Idalla asked him. "Please."

"Of course I will help. As will you."

"Oh," Lucy let out. "I wish I was braver."

"If you were any braver, you'd be a lioness."

"I can agree with that."

"And any more wise and well spoken and you'd be a muse," Aslan told Idalla and she blushed. "Now, I think your friends have slept long enough, don't you?" he asked as he got up before letting out a loud roar, Idalla covering her ears and gazing up at him in wonder. She let out a breath as she watched the ground shake, the trees seeming to move and come alive. "Come on, dear ones," Aslan told them and they got on his back, clinging to him as he ran to the river until he knelt down and they got off. The girls walked to the bridge, finding the Telmarines and some of the Narnians on the other side of the river. They all watched as Lucy and Idalla pulled out their daggers, Aslan walking up behind them.

"Charge!" Sopespian yelled and the Telmarines started making their way across the water and the bridge before Aslan let out a giant roar, stopping them in their tracks as they watched the river start to surge towards them, the Telmarines trying to run to one side of the shore, but many not making it in time. The water rose into the air, becoming the shape of a man who looked at Aslan before picking up the bridge with his back. The water stared at Sopespian on the piece he held before bringing him into his mouth, the river returning to normal as the bridge washed away. The Narnians took over, the Telmarines surrendering their weapons and taking off their armor as Susan, Peter, Edmund, and Caspian crossed the river, kneeling as they reached Aslan.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia." Peter, Susan, and Edmund stood as Caspian kept his head bowed. "All of you," he said, making Caspian look up.

"I do not think I am ready," he admitted, looking back down at the ground.

"It is for that very reason that I know you are. Both of you," he looked at Idalla. The siblings looked at each other before Caspian stood. They all turned as they heard bagpipes playing, the mice carrying Reepicheep's body on a wood plank. They laid him down on the ground and Lucy rushed over, pouring a drop from her cordial into his mouth. He swallowed as they all watched before he gasped, sitting up.

"Thank you, your majesty. Thank you." His friends helped him up before his eyes widened as he noticed the other presence. "Oh! Hail, Aslan! It is a great honor to be in- Oh," he let out as he stumbled before looking behind him to realize that his tail was gone. "I am completely out of countenance," he apologized. "I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion," he backed up. "Uh, perhaps a drop more," he looked up at Lucy.

"I don't think it does that," she told him sadly.

"You could have a go."

Aslan laughed. "It becomes you well, small one."

"All the same, Great King, I regret that I must withdraw," he held out his sword. "For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse."

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend."

"Well, it's not just the honor. It's also great for balance. And climbing. And grabbing things."

"May it please your high majesty," another mouse spoke, "we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief," he said and all the mice held up their tails and swords.

Aslan chuckled. "Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people."

Reepicheep gasped as his tail grew back out. "Look!" he cheered. "Thank you, thank you, my liege. I will treasure it always. From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." They all laughed.

"Now," Aslan continued, "where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" he asked Lucy of the stories they had told him on the way to the river. They turned to see Trumpkin helping the rest of the Narnians before he walked over and kneeled, jumping as Aslan roared at him.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy asked, making her siblings laugh.

Idalla ran forwards to her brother, wrapping him in a large hug. "We did it," she smiled up at him and he only smiled back before she pulled away and turned to Edmund. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I would have told you to be careful, but I didn't know you were going anywhere." She chuckled before he brought his hand up to her cheek, looking into her eyes before bringing his lips to hers.

"Told you you would make a good pair," Lucy smiled as they pulled away and Idalla gave a small blush, Edmund wrapping his arm around Idalla's waist and keeping her close. Idalla looked over at her brother who had a stern face before the corners of his lips started to turn up before he nodded. She smiled at him before burying her head in Edmund's shoulder, his other arm coming to wrap around her back.

Sorry it's a few days late. I was at a competition this weekend.

The Coming Storm - Book 1 (Caspian x Sister OC) (Edmund x OC) (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now