Chapter 10 - Aftermath

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They walked back to the Great Mound in silence. Lucy and the others who had stayed greeted them at the entrance, noticing their somber mood and severely diminished numbers.

"What happened?" Lucy asked.

"Ask him," Peter spit out, looking over at Caspian.

"Peter," Susan tried.

"Me?" Caspian stopped walking. "You could have called it off. There was still time."

"No, there wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right."

"And if you'd just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!"

"They weren't soldiers!" Idalla cut in.

"Idalla," Edmund said quietly, trying to catch her hand.

"They were Narnians who put their trust in you and you failed them all so you could have a victory and prove you're still the king you used to be. And look what happened. You know nothing of the Telmarines and their practices. Maybe you should have listened to the ones who did."

"You called us, remember?" Peter asked them.

"My first mistake," Caspian told him.

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." He started to walk inside.

"Hey!" Caspian shouted, making him stop. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does."

"We were born here! We had nothing to do with the invasion!" Idalla told him. Caspian pushed past him, walking quickly inside as Peter continued to yell.

"You, him, your father!" Caspian stopped. "Narnia's better off without the lot of you!" Caspian screamed, drawing his sword as Peter did the same.

"Stop it!" Edmund yelled, getting all of their attention as he and Glenstorm lowered Trumpkin's body to the ground. Lucy rushed forwards, pulling her cordial out of its pouch on belt, leaning down and dropping a bit into his mouth. Caspian put his sword back in his sheath, walking inside. Nikabrik gave a small smirk before stalking inside.

"What are you all standing around for?" Trumpkin asked as he opened his eyes to see the crowd around him. "Telmarines will be here soon enough." Lucy stood, placing the cordial back around her waist. "Thank you," Trumpkin told her, "my dear little friend." Most others went back inside, joining their friends and family and comforting those who had lost theirs. 

Idalla sat on the side of the Great Mound by herself, hands around her neck as she rested her forehead against her knees. She didn't look up as she felt someone sit beside her. "A lot of good people died," she finally said, not moving.

"I know." She looked up at him, tears still staining her cheeks and she could see his own welling in his eyes. "Peter was just angry when he said those things. He didn't mean-"

"Yes, he did. He's hated Caspian and me since the moment you arrived. He hated the fact that we're Telmarines and trying to lead the Narnians."

"Peter's always wanted to be in charge his entire life. When he saw you two already leading... he couldn't help himself. He should have withdrawn when he had the chance. And you were right. We shouldn't have gone in there. Peter knows that, but instead of dealing with the fact that he was wrong, he takes it out on anyone he can."

"Your brother has an even bigger ego than you." They both gave a small chuckle. "I'm sorry I got mad at you before we left."

"I understand. You were standing up for what you thought was right."

The Coming Storm - Book 1 (Caspian x Sister OC) (Edmund x OC) (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now