Chapter 4 - New Allies

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They walked through the woods, stopping as the rustling behind them continued.

"I can hear you," Caspian sighed and they both turned to see Trufflehunter and Nikabrik lean out from behind trees.

"For Narnia's who have stayed hidden from the Telmarines for years, you aren't very stealthy," Idalla said with a fond smile.

"I just think we should wait for the kings and queens," Trufflehunter told them again. Caspian and Idalla looked at each other before continuing to walk. "Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!"

"Or maybe I'll come with you," Nikabrik proposed, continuing to follow them. "I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs."

"Minotaurs?" Caspian stopped and looked at him. "They're real."

"And very bad tempered," Trufflehunter said.

"Yeah, not to mention big."


"We have a dwarf and a talking badger following us and you're still questioning the existence of other creatures?" Idalla asked her brother. "I'd believe just about everything at this point."

"Then why don't you believe that the kings and queens are coming?"

"I'm not saying I don't believe," she told the badger. "I'm saying we can't wait indefinitely for them to come. We don't know where they are or how long it would take them to get here." Trufflehunter sighed as they started walking again.

"What about centaurs?" Caspian asked after a few minutes. "Do they still exist?"

"Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side," Trufflehunter explained, "but there's no telling what the others will do."

"So, yes. They still exist. I bet you pretty much any of the creatures from the stories exist."

"What about Aslan?" Caspian said, making Trufflehunter and Nikabrik stop, turning to look at the siblings.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nikabrik demanded.

"Stories," he said simply.

"I loved reading anything I could get my hands on about Narnia. In my free time I would read and study the history and creatures."

"Wait a minute. Your father told you stories about Narnia?" Trufflehunter asked.

"No. My professor." He paused, starting to walk again. "Listen, I am sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking."

"What is it?" Nikabrik asked, making them stop again as Trufflehunter sniffed the air.



"No. Them," he said and they turned to see the line of Telmarine soldiers approaching them.

"Run!" Caspian yelled and they all took off, arrows soon flying past them. They weaved in and out of the trees, dodging as best as they could until they heard Trufflehunter fall.

"Oh no!" Nikabrik called as he turned to go help his friend.

"Wait! I'll go," Caspian said, running past him and picking up Trufflehunter as Idalla grabbed Nikabrik's hand and started running again. They glanced behind them as Caspian kneeled over Trufflehunter before a few of the Talmarines started to fall. Nikabrik and Idalla stopped before Caspian picked up Trufflehunter and started running towards them. "Go!" They listened, taking off again until Caspian caught up. "Get him out of here," he told Nikabrik as he handed him Trufflehunter. Caspian pulled out his sword and Idalla grabbed her dagger, holding it in front of her and preparing to fight the Telmarines running towards them, the numbers steadily dropping as they would fall to the ground. Soon only one remained and he started hacking the ground around him before he eventually fell. They watched the plants on the ground rustle as whatever it was got closer before it jumped up, landing on Caspian's chest, knocking him to the ground.

"Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine."

"You are a mouse," Caspian let out as he looked at the small animal standing on him, a gold ring around his right ear along with a feather, a sword in his hand, and a sheath around his chest.

He sighed. "I was hoping for something a little more original. Pick up your sword."

"Uh... No thanks."

"Pick it up. I will not fight an unarmed man."

"Which is why I might live longer if I choose not to cross blades with you, noble mouse."

"I said I would not fight you." He pushed his sword closer to Caspian's face. "I didn't say I'd let you live?"

"How exactly do you propose you'd kill him then?" Idalla asked, making the small animal look up at her.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of ideas. I'll deal with you next, milady."

"Reepicheep, stay your blade!"

"Trufflehunter? I trust you have a very good reason for this untimely interruption."

"He doesn't," Nikabrik cut in. "Go ahead."

"Hey!" the siblings let out.

"He's the one who blew the horn," Trufflehunter got Reepicheep's attention.

"What?" he let out.

"Then let him bring it forward," came a voice from behind them, making them turn to see a group of centaurs standing there. "This is the reason we have gathered."

Happy 2022 people!

The Coming Storm - Book 1 (Caspian x Sister OC) (Edmund x OC) (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now