Chapter 13 - Royalty Rising

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Aslan led them through the streets of Telmar, the citizens cheering and clapping as they came through. Caspian and Idalla rode on their horses in the front, crowns placed on their heads, Peter and Susan next, with Lucy and Edmund following. The Narnians followed after that with Cornelius and Trumpkin leading them. Idalla looked over at her brother, both with large grins on their faces as they realized that their people welcomed them and the new era coming with them.


They all gazed up at the fireworks above the castle later that night. Caspian and Idalla watched with the Pevensie's from the balcony over the courtyard where the Telmarines and Narnians sat together, the children already making fast friends. The six sat on a large blanket, Idalla resting between Edmund's legs, her back to his chest as he put one of his arms around her waist, holding her in place. Every once in a while he would turn his head from where it was resting on her shoulder and give a small kiss to her cheek or neck, never failing to make her smile. She finally turned to look at him, watching him as his eyes were trained on the fireworks before looking back at her and realizing she was staring.

"What?" he asked. She only smiled and leaned forwards, connecting their lips. They both smiled as they pulled away and Idalla leant back, leaning her head against his shoulder as he leant his head on hers, giving her forehead a small kiss before looking back up at the colorful sky.


"He really is beautiful," Idalla gave a fond smile as she held the small baby in her arms. Prunaprismia smiled as she sat next to her niece and son. "And strong too," she laughed as her cousin grasped her finger and squeezed. "The ladies are gonna be lining up for him."

"I just wish his father could see that."

Idalla's smile fell and she licked her lips before turning to look at her aunt. "I am really sorry about that."

Prunaprismia gave a small, sad smile, placing a hand on Idalla's shoulder. "The man I fell in love with, my son's father," she looked down at the small boy, "was a good man. A man who loved me and our family. The man who became king... he is not the Miraz I fell in love with. The one I had a child with. I am not sorry that the corrupt man he became will not get a chance to see his son grow." Idalla laid her head on her aunt's shoulder, both women looking down at the small boy in the younger woman's arms.

One chapter left! I know this one was short, but I still hope you enjoyed!

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