Chapter 2 - Lords

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The lords sat in the throne room, most of the chairs empty.

"I warned this council when it put its trust in Lord Miraz... there would be consequences," Lord Sopespian spoke.

"No, no," Lord Donnon stood. "We can't accuse the lord protector without proof."

"How long are we going to hide behind that excuse?" Lord Scythley asked. "Until every chair in this chamber is empty?" Their discussion was interrupted as the doors opened and Miraz walked in and over towards his chair.

"Lords of the council, my apologies for being late," he told them. "I wasn't aware we were in session."

"No doubt you were otherwise occupied."

"My lord?" he asked as he sat down, looking at Sopespian.

"Ever since the death of Caspian the Ninth, you've behaved as if you were king," Scythley stood bravely. "And now it seems that from behind his wall even Prince Caspian and Princess Idalla have gone missing."

"My deepest condolences, Lord Miraz," Sopespian continued. "Imagine, losing your nephew, the rightful heir to the throne, on the very night your wife has blessed you with a son. Only to lose your niece too."

Miraz leant forwards, looking at him without emotion. "Thank you, Lord Sopespian. Your compassion is a boon in this troubled time."

"I trust you can tell us how such a tragedy could have occurred." Before Miraz could speak, the door opened and Glozelle stepped in quietly, giving him a small nod.

"That is the most disturbing news of all," Miraz said as he stood and moved to the center of the room. He looked at the throne at the head of the room. "Our beloved Caspian was abducted, along with Idalla." The men started to murmur. He turned back to them. "By Narnians." They got louder.

"You go too far, Miraz," Scythley spoke over them all. "You expect us to stand by while you blame such a blatant crime on fairy tales?" Miraz raised his arms and Glozelle opened the doors, Trumpkin being escorted in by two soldiers as the lords stood in shock.

"We forget, my lords," Miraz continued. "Narnia was once a savage land. Fierce creatures roamed free." Turmpkin was forced onto his knees in the middle of the room, mouth and wrists bound. "Much of our forefathers' blood was shed to exterminate this vermin," he pointed at the dwarf. "Or so we thought. But while we've been bickering amongst ourselves," he walked closer to Sopespian, "they've been breeding like cockroaches under a rock! Growing stronger," Miraz turned to the rest of them. "Watching us. Waiting to strike!" He struck Trumpkin across the face, knocking the cloth around his mouth loose.

"And you wonder why we don't like you," he let out, staring up at Miraz.

"Well, I intend to strike back," Miraz started down at him. "Even if I have to cut down the entire forest, I assure you, I will find Prince Caspian and Princess Idalla and finish what our ancestors began."

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