Chapter 11 - Oncoming Fronts

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Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Lucy raced out to the lookout on the Great Mound, joining Caspian, Idalla, Trumpkin, Cornelius, and Glenstorm as they watched the Telmarine army come marching out of the treeline with their weapons and large catapults. Riders came out through the middle before taking their places at the front. Edmund's hand slipped into Idalla's and she interlaced their fingers as they continued to watch. Finally, a man in gold armor on a white horse came through the middle and they instantly knew who it was: Miraz.


"Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan?" Trumpkin let out as they stood around a flat stone table in a small room lit by torches that they had designated as their war room. "Sending a little girl," he pointed at Lucy, "into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone?"

"It's our only chance."

"And she won't be alone," Susan added after Peter.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" he asked, standing in front of Lucy.

"Nikabrik was my friend too," Trufflehunter spoke up, "but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I."

Reepicheep drew his sword, holding it over his chest. "For Aslan."

"For Aslan," a bear in the room repeated. Lucy looked at her oldest brother and he nodded.

"Then I'm going with you," Trumpkin told her.

"No. We need you here," she put a hand on his shoulder.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back."

"If I may," Caspian spoke, glancing at Cornelius and then Idalla who nodded, "Miraz maybe be a tyrant and a murderer," he stood, "but as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people."

"Traditions we can use to our advantage," Idalla stepped forwards, sharing a look with Edmund who gave her a small smile.

"There is one in particular that may buy us some time."

"Possibly quite a bit."

"I say we listen to them," Edmund stood from where he was seated on one of the stairs, coming forwards to the table. "Working together is the only way we're going to be able to beat Miraz and his men." It was Idalla's turn to smile at him and he caught it out of the corner of his eye, smiling back.


"Just play to his ego," Idalla reminded him before he left. "He won't want to look weak or like a disappointment."

"Got it," Edmund nodded, rolling up the scroll Peter had written after looking it over once more.

"All you have to do is pitch the idea and maybe try to coerce him a bit. The council of lords will do the rest."

"Okay," he nodded.

"Hey," she grabbed his hand, "don't be nervous."

"Oh, I'm only going into enemy lines and talking to their newly elected king to try to convince him to join Peter in a sword match till death. No, big deal."

"Exactly," she smiled at him. "Keeping him talking will provide time too."

He nodded, letting out a small sigh. "How do we even know that he will honor this? How do we know he's king."

"After the raid on the castle, Caspian and I would have been pronounced traitors which would take away Caspian's right to the throne. He's next in line until his son comes of age. Besides, the gold armor on a white horse is only given to a king." Edmund nodded again. "You got this."


"No problem." They smiled at each other before he stood and left with Glenstorm. Idalla watched as he left before walking down to where they were keeping the horses as Susan and Lucy prepared to leave.

"Destrier has always served me well," Caspian told them about his horse as he finished making sure they were ready. "You are in good hands."

"Or hooves," Lucy said, making them smile.

Caspian looked back up at Susan. "Good luck."

"Thanks," she said, looking in front of her. Lucy and Idalla shared a look with a small smile as she stood on the opposite side of the horse as her brother.

"Look," he tried again, pulling out the horn and holding it up to her, "maybe it is time you had this back."

She looked at it for a moment. "Why don't you hold onto it? You might need to call me again." Lucy and Idalla shared another look as Susan and Caspian looked at each other before the girls galloped off.

"You like her," Idalla smiled at him as soon as they were out of earshot.

"N- No. I- I don't."

"Keep telling yourself that," she smiled.


"A-huh," she nodded, turning and getting onto her horse. "I'll see you out there," she smirked before taking off. She caught up to Lucy and Susan. "Thought you might want an extra set of hands," she smiled as she came alongside them.

"That might be useful," Susan said and Idalla turned the way she was looking, seeing the line of Telmarines following them.

Susan stopped Destrier and got off. "Take the reins," she told Lucy.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Lucy, but it looks as if you'll be going alone after all."

"I'll stay. You go with her."

"No," Susan shook her at Idalla. "You go."


"I don't know these woods like you do. You should've been going with her in the first place."

"Okay," Idalla nodded. "Be careful."

"You too." Susan hit Destrier's rear and they started galloping off, stopping briefly at the top of the hill as Lucy looked back at her sister.

"We have to go," Idalla told her sadly and Lucy turned back to her and nodded.

I am loving how all of this is coming together! Let me know what you all think!

The Coming Storm - Book 1 (Caspian x Sister OC) (Edmund x OC) (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now