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noahs pov:

i woke up to my mom waking my sisters up for school/college so i decided to get up and get ready for school. i got up, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, did skincare, wore my clothes, and went downstairs to eat breakfast

a: good morning hunny

n: morning mom

a: how'd you sleep?

n: good, what's for breakfast today?

a: your favorite

n: yes! i've been wanting pancakes for a while

a: well you better eat up because we're leaving in about 10 minutes

n: okay mom

*7 minutes later*

n: cmon hailey!

h: okay okay let me wearing my shoes i don't wanna go out feet less

n: well hurry! i don't wanna be late again!

h: done!

n: great well hop on in the car

*a few minutes later they got to school*

noah's pov:

i went to my locker to get my books and pens when i heard a voice of a girl. madi monroe. i froze for a second and looked at her and said "what do you want?" "aww is nowy mad sorry bby🥺🥺" madi said "won't you just leave me alone for at least a day gosh!" i said "well you have from saturday's till sundays don't you?" madi said "i meant as in school days you idiot" i said "jeez sorry moody pants" she said

dixie's pov:

i saw madi bullying noah, again. right when i saw madi leaving i went to noah to ask if he's okay and this is what he said

d:you okay?

n: yeah..why you asking? and don't you hate me?

d: noah..i never said i hated you and i'm asking you just to make sure your fine

n: then why do you bully me? your acting very weird today did someone like tell you to be nice?

d:i can't tell you why i bully you! and no, no one told be to be nice and can you just accept the fact i'm being nice?

n: not until you tell me why your being nice

d: *pushes him into the janitors room*

n: ow!

d: *whispering* meet me at lunch here and i'll tell you why i bully you

n: okay? and why are you whispering

d: *whispering* because i don't want madi to hear us!

n: what does it have to do with madi??

d: i'll tell you later, bye.

n: bye?

noah's pov:

that was hella weird, meh whatever i'll just go to class, and oh god. i remembered i sit next to madi in science shit. she'll probably like push me off the chair or rip my book? i swear if she does anything i'm not gonna stay quiet this time she thinks she's slick but she isn't i'm way smarter than that brat and i can prove it.


t: *starts teaching blah blah idk what tf they take*

m: hey avani watch this! *grabs noah's glasses and throws it on the floor*

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