birthday girl

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*the next morning*

noah's pov:
i woke up at 6am, i looked over at dixie and of course she was asleep. i got up and brushed my teeth, showered, shaved, and went back to the bed to see olivia awake.

n: good morning princess
o: mowning, i'm hungwy
n: how about we make breakfast for us and mommy?
o: ok but i have to bwush my teef and haiw and change
n: okay let's go do that but do you know how to change yourself
o: yah but i need hewp with it
n: uh oh i don't know how to do that..
o: it's fine nowh try
n: your right, anyways let's get you ready
o: ok!
*5 minutes later olivia is ready and they're now heading downstairs to eat breakfast*
n: what do you want for breakfast?
o: anyfing
n: do pancakes sound good?
o: yah!
n: alright let's go make em shall we?
o: mhm! i will hewp
*they make the pancakes*
n: does mommy like strawberries?
o: mhm
n: how about berries?
o: yep!
n: alright now cmon let's give her breakfast
o: ok let's go!!
*they go in the room*
n: *talks softly* dixie, baby wake up
d: mmmm i'm tired
n: cmonnnn wake up we made you breakfast
d: what do you mean by we?
n: me and olivia
d: she woke up?
n: yes why?
d: what time is it?
n: it's almost 7am
d: *wakes up* i can't believe she woke up this early she always wakes up at like 9
o: i fewt nowh get out of bed so i woke up
n: here we made you pancakes
d: aww ty baby *puckers her lips* kissy
n: *kisses her*
d: *kisses back* feed me
n: but i need to eat my pancakes too
d: pleaseeeeee
n: fine
*moments later, they finish eating*
n: okay we have to get ready to go to school we have like 15 minutes to get ready
d: ok i'll go get ready *gets up* hmm what should i wear today
n: you should wear this *points at a cropped tight shirt with jeans* you'll look so hot with these on
d: okay *wears it*

o: it's fine nowh tryn: your right, anyways let's get you readyo: ok!*5 minutes later olivia is ready and they're now heading downstairs to eat breakfast*n: what do you want for breakfast?o: anyfingn: do pancakes sound good?o: yah!n: alright let's...

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n: perfect, now cmon go get your shoes on me and olivia will be in the card: okay i'll be there in a second*olivia and noah get in the car*n: you buckled up?o: mhm!d: *comes in* let's go nown: okay just buckle upd: *buckles up* cmonnnnn*9 minutes ...

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n: perfect, now cmon go get your shoes on me and olivia will be in the car
d: okay i'll be there in a second
*olivia and noah get in the car*
n: you buckled up?
o: mhm!
d: *comes in* let's go now
n: okay just buckle up
d: *buckles up* cmonnnnn
*9 minutes later they get to school*
d: *goes to her locker*
some guy (let's call him josh):hey hottie *smacks her ass*
d: WTF *slaps him across the face*
some guy 2 (let's call him jack): damn babygirl *smirks*
n: wtf do you think y'all are doing?!
jack: aww i'm your little nerdy boyfriend here to protect you
n: *punches him* you better stay away from her
*they run away*
o: nowyyy uppy *scared and about to cry*
n: hey hey it's fine look they ran away
d: *hugs noah* thanks for being there for me
n: *kisses her head* of course jane i'll be there for you whenever you need me
m: hey slut!
d: what do you want now?
m: to break up with this nerd
d: no! and even if he's a nerd so what?
m: dixie your supposed to be on my side *hits her*
n: wtf *grabs madi*
m: you think i'm scared? HA! i'm madi monroe
n: i don't like hurting girls so *pulls away* go away your lucky i didn't hurt you
m: like i'd be hurt? your weak.
o: dats not twue!
m: oh shut up you kid.
o: *hits her so hard* DON'T CALL ME A KID
m: ouch wtf! dixie come control your little kiddo
d: no thanks i'm good, she's doing the right thing already
n: yeah madi you should take advice from olivia
m: no thanks i'm good thanks though
m: or else what? your gonna get your little barbie to hit me?
o: *hits her constantly*
n: alright alright that's enough let's go to class now
d: hey hey hey okay that's enough *picks her up*
d: nope. noah can you take her to class with you?
n: yeah *takes her from dixie*
o: *kicking around* PUT ME DOWN!
n: shhhh it's alright she's gone now *rocking her* it's probably just you being grumpy cause your tired
o: *half awake* n-no i'm not tiwed!
n: let's see then, let's go to class now
o: o-ok *about to sleep*
d: bye babe i'll see you after class *kisses him*
n: *kisses back* bye! love you
d: love you too
n: *looks at olivia* and she's asleep
b: hey, i heard your dating my sister
n: yeah i am
b: you better not hurt her alright?
n: i promise not to im not that type of guy i'd never touch a girl where she doesn't wanna be touched or hurt her physically or mentally
b: *dabs him up* my man, wanna be friends?
n: sure why not
b: what do you have first class?
n: ugh math, what do you have?
b: i have math too
n: great, what's your number?
b: oh it's **********
n: thanks i'll text you later
b: alright now let's head to class
*they go to class*
t: hey noah how are you?
n: i'm good
t: what are you doing with bryce?
n: we're friends why?
t: mmmm nothing just didn't expect you to be with him
n: well i am dating his sister soooo
t: mhm and what about that little kiddo
n: she's my girlfriends daughter
t: what are you doing with her shouldn't she be with her mom?
n: she wanted me to take her
t: and you said yes?
n: yes i did why?
t: oof well she's probably a bad mom leaving her daughter with a guy that isn't her dad
t: don't you dare talk to your teacher like that
n: 1. she isn't a bad mom she is a great ass mother. 2. i am like a dad to olivia. and 3. i can talk to you like that if you talk shit about my girlfriend and her daughter
b: to be honest dixie is a great mom she is literally the best mom i've ever seen besides my mom of course but the way i've seen her with olivia is just amazing. she watches out for olivia, she just does the best stuff for olivia, she gives her whatever she wants. and noah is right you can't talk about dixie nor her daughter like that so he has the audacity to yell at you.
t: did i talk to you bryce? no, so go back to your seat
b: hell no i'm not gonna let you talk shit about my sister
t: well then, DETENTION.
b: i'm fine by that she's my mom anyway
n: *whispers to bryce* and even if she doesn't believe you, there's a camera in the class so she can watch and hear everything
b: *whispers back* but my mom hates dixie and also kinda hates olivia so she'd let the teacher be talking like that
n: don't worry man, i'll help
b: thanks
*the bell rings*
* 45 minutes later, class ends*
n: finally i'm away from that psychotic teacher
o: mommy?
n: mommy's not here princess it's me noah
o: wheres mommy?
d: right here baby
o: hi *lays her head on noah's shoulder*
d: hi baby do you wanna continue classes with noah?
o: *shrugs her shoulders*
d: noah do you have an exam today?
n: yep
d: okay i don't so i'll take her with me okay?
n: noooo keep her with me
d: ok how about i take her for a class then you and so on
n: ok then here you go *gives her olivia* bye babe *hugs her*
d: bye *hugs back*
*they go to they're class*
d: *goes in class*
student 1: HEY LOOK! ITS THE SLUT WITH HER KID *laughs*
*the whole class also laughs except for some students*
d: *tears up but hides it*
d: baby! sit back down it's fine i'm used to it anyway
o: *whispers* but mommy youw cwying
d: i'm not it's fine baby it's just there's something in my eyes
o: okay mommy
*a few days later*
12th of august 2021
d: *wakes up* morning
n: morning birthday girl *kisses her*
d: *kisses back* aww you remembered
n: of course i did i have it in my calendar
d: *blushes* what are we doing today?
n: we're going bowling!!
n: yeah! that's why we're going today! and i have a surprise after that
d: oooo what is it?!
n: a surprise
d: ughhh you know i hate surprises
n: oops sorry! *laughs* anyways let's get ready at 1pm we're going bowling with some friends too alright?
d: who's coming?
n: kate, charli, bryce, chase, avani, riley, curtis, and bryce d
d: i'm so excited!!
*skip to 1pm*
d: cmon let's go start the carrrrr
n: okay baby
o: can we put on mommy's songs?
n: sure! dixie put some on
d: fineee
*13 minutes later they get there*
dd= dixie. nb= noah and so on
dd: hey everyone! *hugs them all*
kt: happy birthday dixie!
dd: thanks!
cn: happy birthday shortie!
dd: heyyyy you still remember *hugs him*
cn: of course i do
nb: alright there's someone else but let's keep it a surprise till later
dd: why do you love to keep teasing me
nb: because i do
*they all go in and start playing*
dd: *knocks them all* WOOOO!
*someone taps dixie's shoulders*
dd: huh? *turns around*
larray: miss me?
dd: LARRAY! *hugs him*
l: hey bestie!
dd: when did you get here?!
l: just now!
dd: is this the surprise person?
nb: mhm
dd: *hugs noah* thank you baby
nb: of course *kisses her*
cd: okay okay we don't wanna see that
*40 minutes later they finished playing*
d: where are we going now?
n: surprise
d: ughhhh
*they get there*
n: put this on *hands her a blindfold*
d: fine *puts it on*
n: okay stay here *opens his car door then opens dixie's* here don't worry i'm not gonna let you fall alright
d: okay wait lemme get olivia
n: i've got her *opens olivia car door and picks her up*
d: baby i'm scared
n: don't worry i've got you i won't let you fall
d: okay
n: we're almost there
d: noah i feel sand those are new shoessssss
n: it's fine i'll clean it
d: no i'm just kidding anyways when do we get there
n: aaaaand we're there
d: can i open the blindfold?
n: hold on *opens her blindfold* do you like it?
d: babyyyyy *hugs him tightly*

it looks like a tent with fairy lights and some food and snacks

o: fooodddddd!
n: wanna eat?
d: yeah i'm hungry and it looks like olivia is hungry too
o: weally hungwy
*they eat*
n: so dixie since it's your birthday i got you something
d: what is it?
n: *gives her a box* here open it
d: *opens the first layer* awww

o: fooodddddd!n: wanna eat?d: yeah i'm hungry and it looks like olivia is hungry tooo: weally hungwy*they eat*n: so dixie since it's your birthday i got you somethingd: what is it?n: *gives her a box* here open itd: *opens the first layer* awww

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n: dixie, i promise to be there for you through every single step. i promise you in the future you'd be the girl i will marry and have kids with.
d: *kisses him* what did i do to deserve you
n: *kisses back* open the next layer baby
d: noah one thing is enough *opens the second layer*

d: noah please this is enough how much did you spendn: you don't have to worry about that babyd: no how muchn: around 20kd: 20K?!n: mhmd: no wayn: open the 3rd layer you'll see why i spent 20kd: noah i swear to god that is enough don't spend too m...

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d: noah please this is enough how much did you spend
n: you don't have to worry about that baby
d: no how much
n: around 20k
d: 20K?!
n: mhm
d: no way
n: open the 3rd layer you'll see why i spent 20k
d: noah i swear to god that is enough don't spend too much on me
n: but i want to but for now open it
d: *opens it* no..way *looks up at noah* you got me.....

2074 words

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