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d: yeah
n: do you see your future with me?
d: of course baby your the only one who has treated me right which i'm grateful about
n: i love you *puckers his lips*
d: *kisses him* i love you too
n: i'm hungry
d: let's go eat then what do you want
n: anything
d: ok we have anything you want come you choose what you want
n: *goes to the kitchen* how about mac and cheese?
d: oh yes i eat that almost every day
n: i can see you have a lot
d: yea even olivia sometimes
n: well let's go make it
*they make they're mac and cheese*
d: *getting juice, tissues, etc* hey babe
n: yeah?
d: i was thinking of dropping out of school
n: what
d: yeah should i ask my dad?
n: if you want to then go ahead
d: i'll ask him this week. but what about you?
n: i'll talk to my mom later
d: alright *sits down* what juice do you want?
n: soda?
d: yeah we have some
n: then get me anything
d: ok *gets up and grabs 2 cola's*
n: thanks babe
d: you're welcome
o: mommy is food ready?
d: yeah come eat
n: i see she can said the letter r now
d: yeah
o: hi daddy
n: hi
d: *facetimes someone*
n: dixie who are you calling
d: *places her phone so that they can see all 3 of them* hi
m: hi honey
d: how are you?
m: i'm great what about you
d: i'm good me and noah are back together
m: i knew he wouldn't cheat i told you
d: okay okay i know
m: anyways what'd you call for? you never call me unless you want something
d: dadddd, anyways i wanted to ask you if i can drop out of school?
m: why?
d: because i have social media and now i have to go to the studio and school all together and take care of olivia it's too much pressure on me and mom isn't even a good principal
m: how about you finish this term then we'll think about it
d: ok
m: well bye honey i have to go eat
d: ok bye dad love you
m: love you too *hangs up*
n: now we only have to call my mom
d: call her
n: okay okay *calls amy*
a: hi sweetheart what's up?
n: hi mom i wanted to ask if i could drop out of school?
a: what?
n: yeah
a: we'll think about it but are you only gonna drop out or dixie too?
n: well her dad said that she has to finish this term then they'll talk about it
a: we'll see honey
addison: NOAH
n: what?
addi: where are you?
n: i told you i'm going to dixie's house
addi: y'all made up?
n: yes she's right here
addi: oh hi dixie
d: hi
addi: what are you guys doing
n: eating
addi: ok well bye i got to do schoolwork
a: yeah well bye i got to do work now honey
n: ok bye mom *hangs up*
d: your mom is so nice unlike my mom
n: yeah well your dad is nice unlike my dad
d: what happened to your dad?
n: well he cheated on my mom 3 years ago and they divorced
d: sorry for you
n: it's fine i guess
d: wanna sleepover tonight?
n: sure
d: great
o: did you guys forget i'm here?
d: we didn't
o: good
d: uh oh the sassy olivia is coming which means....she's tired
o: no!
d: yes!
o: no! i'm not tired
d: yes you are i know you
o: n-no
d: see you even sound tired
n: she must be hard
d: *silence* oh you mean that *laughs* yes she is hard
n: woah
d: what?
n: you're so dirty
o: no my mommy is clean
*they both laugh*
d: not like that baby
o: then what?
d: *looks at noah* you'll understand when you're older
n: anyways i'll be in your room babe
d: ok
n: cya
d: cya
n: *lays in dixie's bed* i miss you
d: miss who?
n: no no i meant you
d: are you sure?
n: yes babe i swear come here i miss you're cuddles
d: *lays on top of his chest*
n: *remembers what happened with him and grace and got a bit sad*
d: *doesnt notice* do you want to watch something?
n: y-yeah sure
d: *notices* what's wrong now
n: i just really wanted a kid
d: you do have a kid
n: she's not really mine i want one who is actually mine
d: do you wanna try?
n: right now?
d: whenever you want
n: are you sure you're ready?
d: yeah i am don't worry
n: are you 100% sure i don't wanna push you to do something you don't want to
d: yes babe i'm 100% ready i want a new kid anyway
n: so when do we start
d: whenever we want
n: tonight?
d: ok but we have to wait until olivia is asleep
n: fine by me
d: okay
*2 hours later*
d: i think olivia's asleep
n: should we go check
d: ok
*they go to olivia's room*
d: she's asleep
n: *whispers* shh she might wake up
d: please she won't wake up no matter what
n: ok then let's go
* they go to dixie's room*
n: ready?
d: ready
n: *starts kissing her neck*
d: *mo@ns softly*
n: you like that
d: y-yes
n: can i?
d: mhm
n: *takes off her shirt and starts kissing her body*
d: not my stomach babe
n: why not?
d: i'm ticklish
n: ok *makes out with her*
d: cmon baby
n: alright alright *takes off all they're clothes*
d: *gets a bit insecure about herself*
n: okay let's start *starts doing his thing*
d: *mo@ns*
n: *continues*
d: faster baby
n: what's my name first
d: d-daddy
n: *goes faster*
d: *mo@ns loudly*
n: shh baby girl olivia is next to our room
d: s-sorry
*they continue for 1 hour*
d: that was so fun
n: yeah *laying in bed with dixie naked*
d: well goodnight
n: wait babe we have to change first we don't know if olivia is gonna come in on us the next morning or maybe even while we're sleeping
d: yeah okay let's go *goes to her closet*
n: *goes behind her and smacks her ass*
d: noah!
n: what
d: don't do that without my permission
n: sorry ma'am
d: *remembers her mother when he said ma'am* it's ok *grabs sweatpants and a tank top*
n: what should i wear baby
d: you should wear these sweatpants
n: no shirt?
d: no
n: okay then i'll go change
d: i'll change here
n: i'll go to the bathroom *goes to the bathroom*
*after they change*
n: *lays in dixie's bed* i'm really excited
d: *lays on his chest* for what
n: you might be pregnant baby
d: i know but do you know the thing i hate about being pregnant
n: what
d: nausea
n: addison has a phobia of puking
d: same
n: then being pregnant is gonna be very hard
d: yeah
*the next day*
d: *wakes up and runs to the bathroom to throw up*
n: *hears her and goes behind her* it's alright baby it's okay
d: *tears up a bit* i'm scared
n: it's alright hey go lay in bed i'll get ready and get you pregnancy tests
d: ok *lays in her bed*
*noah goes to the store and buys 2 pregnancy boxes*
n: *knocks on the apartment door*
o: i'll open!
d: ok baby
o: *opens the door* hi daddy
n: hi honey *walks in and goes to dixie's room* here you go
d: *sits up* thanks
n: how've you been feeling?
d: nauseous
n: i'm sorry for you
d: it's ok i guess *walks to the bathroom*
n: did you throw up?
d: no *taking the tests*
n: good
*3 minutes later*
d: okay we have to wait 5 minutes now
*4 minutes later*
n: i can't wait anymoreeee
d: one more minute baby
*1 minute later*
d: okay let's go flip them
n: i'll flip 2 you flip the others
d: ok *flips it*
n: *flips it too*

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