Chapter 15 | labor

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*the next morning*

d: *gets a phone call* hello?

???: hi is this dixie damelio?

d: yes it is

???: i just wanted to tell you that you have an appointment at 11am

d: i'm sorry i can't at 11am can we change the time?

???: sure when do you want it?

d: 3 or after

???: does 4:45 sound good?

d: yeah

???: alright. have a great day

d: you too *hangs up*

n: *moves around*

d: *rubs his cheek*

n: *opens his eyes*

d: go to sleep baby it's too early

n: *talks softly* why are you awake then?

d: i just got a phone call from my doctor

n: what'd she say?

d: i have an appointment at 4:45

n: cuddle

d: *puts his head on her chest*

n: go to sleep baby

d: ok

*20 minutes later*

dixie's pov:

i've been awake for 20 minutes and i cannot sleep. i don't feel tired at all

n: baby?

d: yes baby

n: go to sleep

d: i can't sleep

n: why not?

d: i don't feel tired and i'm trying to sleep but i can't

n: ok

d: the baby is making me not tired somehow

n: weird

d: *feels a bit nausea* but nauseous

n: bathroom, now

d: *goes to the bathroom*

n: you good?

d: yeah but it'll come out in a bit

n: ok

d: *vomits*

o: where's mom?

n: since when do you call dixie mom and not mommy

o: since now but where is she

n: in the bathroom

o: what is she doing *walks to the bathroom*

n: come back here

o: no i wanna see my mom

n: your moms busy *walks in the bathroom*

o: oh so you can go in but i can't

n: it's different

d: noah let her in it's fine i'm alright

o: *walks in* hi mom

d: mom and dad? since when do you say that

o: since now *stands on her thighs and puts her hands on her shoulder*

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