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*4 hours later*
n: *knocks on the door*
d: olivia! can you open the door please?
o: *doesn't hear her*
d: ugh i'll get up myself then *gets up and sees olivia opening the door*
o: DADDY! *hugs him*
n: oh hi *walks in* hey babe *kisses her*
d: *doesnt kiss back*
n: why didn't you kiss back? *kisses her again*
d: *doesnt kiss back again* maybe because you left for the whole day without telling me where you are going and left me alone in the house while pregnant. wow how amazing you are
n: look, i'm really tired and i don't wanna cause problems. so i'll just go sleep
d: not so fast
n: what?
d: you can't just go out for the whole time without telling me where you were and think you were slick enough to not tell me
n: dixie all i can say is, i was busy and i'm so tired
d: no
n: no what?
d: you're not going to bed
n: why not?
d: if you really wanna go to sleep, guest room is free *fake smiles*
n: seriously?
d: yes. and if you want you want to sleep with me you have to tell me where you were or i'm calling addison
n: *grabs her phone* you are not calling addison
d: why not? is there something you're hiding?
n: no!
d: then give me my phone back
n: no
d: why not
n: dixie you cannot call addison wether you like it or not. i'm going to the guest room
d: at least give me phone!
n: i'll pass *walks away*
n: no thanks *walks to the guest room*
d: WELL YOURE DEFINITELY HIDIN- *runs to the bathroom*
n: fuck *runs behind her*
d: *throwing up*
n: it's alright *rubs her back*
d: *throws up a lot*
n: it's okay you're okay
d: *stops* leave me alone *walks over to the sink to brush her teeth*
n: i'm tryna help
d: well i don't need it i clearly threw up 6 times with no one next to me to help me
n: well it isn't my fault my mother was in danger
d: oh so you're telling me you were gone for about 7 hours or more just to help your mom out? 7 hours?
n: goodnight
d: it isn't a good night noah
n: *walks to he guest room* thinks: ugh my clothes are all in dixie's room. i'll just go and grab them and leave
d: *goes to her room*
n: *walks in*
d: what
n: grabbing my clothes?
d: be quick
n: *grabs his clothes and about to walk out*
d: *picks up her laptop and calls addison*
n: no no no *hangs up* you can't call her
d: cmon noah
n: no dixie it's something serious and i don't want you to worry
d: then give me my phone back
n: promise you won't call addison
d: i won't call her
n: promise?
d: i can't promise anything
n: then no phone
d: seriously noah
n: fine *hands her the phone* if you wanna know so bad then call her. call her i'm looking
d: *calls addison*
a: *picks up* hey dixie
d: hey adds um mind telling me where you and noah went?
a: oh ok *explains*
d: ok t-thanks
n: see?
d: look i'm sorry okay
n: whatever
*the next morning*
n: *wakes up* morning babe *looks in front of him* what the *remembers what happened with them last night* oh yeah *walks in dixie's room*
d: *sleeping*
n: *goes up behind her so not they're like a big and small spoon*
d: *moves around*
n: *pulls her on top of him and hugs her*
d: mm noah?
n: morning
d: morning
n: i'm sorry for last night
d: it's alright *feels nauseous* b-babe can you take your hands off
n: oh sorry *takes them off*
d: *runs to the bathroom*
n: *runs behind her and holds her hair* shh it's okay *rubs her back* poor baby has to go through all this
d: i hate this so much
n: aw it's okay you'll get through it *hugs her* i can't believe you're doing all this just for us we could've waited a bit
d: yeah
n: well we have to go to school tomorrow
d: ugh fine
n: i don't make rules
d: whatever. let's go eat
n: what do you want to eat?
d: i'm thinking eggs and ham with bread
n: alright you lay down on the couch i will make you're food
d: no you've already done so much for me i can make the food myself
n: noooooo you go rest i will make everything for my queen. what about oli?
d: what about her?
n: what does she want for breakfast?
d: i'll go see what she wants *walks in olivia's room* baby?
o: yes mommy
d: what do you want from breakfast?
o: waffle
d: alright *walks in the kitchen* babe olivia wants waffles
n: i don't know how to make those
d: okay you make yourself whatever you want i'll make 2 waffles for me and olivia
n: alright baby but wait
d: what?
n: you forgot something
d: huh? what'd i forget? *looks around*
n: look at me
d: *looks at him* ohhhh sorry *kisses him*
n: *kisses back but doesn't pull back*
d: *pulls away* babe i gotta make breakfast. maybe after
n: aw man
d: sorry baby
n: it's okay
d: *starts making the batter*
n: *making his eggs*
d: *puts the batter in the waffle maker* babe
n: yes *cutting up the ham*
d: *kisses him*
n: babe i'm making the eggs i'm scared they'll burn or something
d: don't worry i'll tell you i can know by smell
n: ok *makes out with her*
*3 minutes later*
d: the eggs!
n: fuck *goes over to check on it* it's done
d: did they burn?
n: no
d: thank god
n: what about your waffles?
d: no i just checked there's only a bit left
n: okay
o: *walks in* hi
d: hi baby
o: waffles?
d: i'm making them
o: yay
d: we're going to school tomorrow
o: noooo i don't want to go it's boring
d: i'm sorry we have to we missed a lot *gets a phone call* hold on *picks up* hey
m: hey honey i was wondering if i could come over today
d: yeah sure
m: alright what time?
d: 12?
m: sure
*at 12pm*
m: *knocks on the door*
n: *opens the door* hey
m: hey man how are you
n: great
m: well i'm happy to hear that
n: come in
d: hi dad!
m: hey honey *hugs her and kisses her head*
d: how's mom been doing?
m: well i think she's cheating
d: for real? have you seen like any proof of hints
m: i mean her actions are pretty obvious she'd always say she's going to her friends house or says she has work with a guy name mike
d: oh yeah she definitely is
m: i mean i guess it's fine because her actions are shit anyways
d: alright well..can i not do school anymore?
m: okay but finish this term then you'll drop out
m: you're welcome honey
d: oh and we have something to tell you
m: tell me
d: so i'm..
m: you're what?
d: pregnant
m: say what now?!
d: yes i am *pulls up her shirt a bit*
m: no way look your stomach is flat like there's no bump
d: it's because i'm 2 days pregnant
m: i can't believe it! show me a picture of the pregnancy if you have
d: yes i did take a picture *takes out her phone and shows him the picture*
m: no way dixie..
d: are you mad?
m: i mean no i'm happy but you're still young honey i don't want you to go through a lot
d: it's fine i already had olivia
m: well if you are able to handle it then it's alright i'm happy for you
d: thanks dad *hugs him*
m: *hugs her back* i will always love you no matter what
n: i swear i wish i had a dad like yours dix
m: what happened to your dad?
n: *explains* but it's fine i guess we did the right thing and i hate him after what he did
m: what a jerk
n: yeah
m: well i will always count you as my son. well, anything else?
d: do you wanna say over for lunch?
m: yeah sure
*they eat lunch and now marc is leaving*
n: bye sir we'll see you soon
m: bye noah and call me marc please
n: oh yeah sorry i forgot
*10 minutes later*
m: *gets home* i'm home
c: hey dad where were you?
m: dixie wanted me
c: i'm guessing she told you
m: she did
h: where in the world were you
m: dixie's house
h: it's not even a house it's an apartment
m: same thing *gets a call from dixie* oh hold on *picks up* hey hun
d: should i tell the internet?
m: i mean if you want to tell them then tell them
h: tell who what?
m: umm
d: it's fine dad tell her
m: okay.. dixie is pregnant and shes asking me if she should tell the internet
h: WHAT?!
m: yes she is
m: she can do what she wants heidi it's her choice
h: no! she can't keep getting pregnant at a young age!
m: you got pregnant at 16 why can't she get pregnant at 19
h: she already has a brat she doesn't need another one!
m: noah wanted a kid that's his and dixie was nice enough to give him one unlike you!
h: how dare you marc
d: at least i take good care of my children better than you!
m: *laughs* dixie that was amazing
h: come home now!
d: i am home
h: then come to your parents house
d: you mean dad's house?
h: whatever you call it
d: i will be there whenever you're out of that building, bye! *hangs up*
c: woah
*with dixie*
d: i hate my mom
n: nah-ah i am not letting her talk shit about olivia
d: babe it's alright olivia doesn't understand it
n: but still she can't talk about her granddaughter like that!
d: i know baby but i can't do anything
n: it just hurts seeing you go through all of this at the same time
d: aww it's okay im alright babe come here *pulls him on top of her*
n: when do you wanna tell the internet?
d: i was thinking maybe when i'm like 3-4 months
n: oh okay
d: do you wanna tell them before?
n: no no it's okay
d: you sure?
n: yes baby. can we go live?
d: of course hold on where's my phone? *looks around*
n: where'd you last put it
d: when i sat here it was with me
n: do you not remember if yo-
o: *thinks: uh oh* YES MAMA
d: oh my god *gets up and walks to olivia's room* where's my phone
o: i don't know
d: olivia don't lie to me just tell me where it is i don't have time for you're i don't knows
o: ugh fine here *gives dixie her phone*
d: thanks *goes to noah*
n: found it?
d: found it
n: where was it?
d: with olivia of course
n: that little girl is sneaky
d: she always takes my phone without me knowing
n: i'm not ready for that
d: i'm used to it
n: lucky you
d: not really. sit up babe
n: alright *sits up*
d: *sets up the phone and is about to start the live*
n: wait
d: what?
n: did you take an appointment?
d: yes tomorrow
n: what time? i wanna be there with you
d: 10am
n: perfect
d: *starts the live*
n: hey guys. noah beck here
d: noah stop *giggles*
d: no you guys have seen the tiktoks- actually no i didn't do one with him
n: rude
d: all you want is cuddles
n: no
d: yes
d: *looks at the comment* babe look
n: what? *looks* what's that?
d: *whispers in his ear* it's me and my ex's ship name when we were together
n: oh
someone: KISS
d: *looks at the comment* uhm
n: what?
d: *shows him*
n: fuck off
d: noah!
n: what!
d: you can't say that
n: i'm gonna play fifa
d: ok, we're gonna play a game now. i'm gonna say a letter and you will say a word starting with that letter for example, i'm gonna say b so you comment let's say blue
n: BR@
n: *laughs*
d: anyways the first person to say a word with that letter gets a follow back. but i need to get a book and pencil *mutes her mic* OLIVIA
o: YAH?
o: OKAY *gets a book and a pencil for dixie* here mommy
d: thank you
o: i wanna watch tv
d: daddy's playing
o: can i watch in your room?
d: alright but not too much
o: yay! *runs to dixies room*
n: cutie
d: *unmutes* okay let's start. a word with the letter... Q
dixiesduck: QUEEN
d: okay let's see who won.... *laughs*
n: what's funny?
d: the username anyways umm the winner is dixiesduck congrats
n: dixie's what
d: normous
n: dixie's normous?
d: *laughs*
the comments: DIXIES WHAT?
*they continue*
d: okay guys i'll end the live now goodnight *ends the live*
n: weird thing you didn't throw up the whole time
d: yeah i'm surprised
n: well let's go to bed now

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