who tf is tate?

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noah: alright you guys we gotta go eat dinner now bye!
everyone except bryce and charli: bye guys
*they hang up*
d: that was so fun
n: yeah really fun
o: mommy i'm hungwy
d: okay we're going to go eat dinner now
d: ok ok we know you want mac and cheese cmon let's go eat now
*they eat dinner*
h: so noah, why'd you lie about madi?
d: hey shh calm down noah *rubs the back of his head*
m: heidi!
h: what?!
m: leave the poor kid alone i know he won't do such a thing
h: because you like him!
m: well because he's a nice little man and not a spoiled brat!
h: how dare you say that about madi!
c: i'm confused what tf is going on here?
d: nothing charli and mom and dad just please calm down and eat we'll talk about this later tonight
h: you don't tell me to calm down young lady
d: oh yes i do HEIDI *covers her mouth*
h: what'd you call me?! *raises her hand*
d: i'm sorry it was an accident okay i didn't mean it!
h: come to my room after dinner you understand!
d: y-yes
h: good *sits back down* now eat up
d: ok *shaking a bit*
n: *puts his hand over dixie's and whispers* shhh it's okay baby calm down
d: *smiles a little*
n: oh i made you smile huh?
d: stopppppp * blushes and hides her face*
n: noooo take your hands off i wanna see your pretty face
d: *takes her hands off* here
n: *side hugs her* eat up now dixie okay?
d: mhm
o: mommy i'm done
d: alright hun i'll be there in a bit
n: it's okay i'll go get her plate *gets up*
d: *pulls him back down* noooo i'll do it later
n: dixie it's fine i wanna get used to it too
d: fine go ahead but don't wash the plate i'll wash it
n: ugh fine
*he takes olivia's plate and washes it anyway*
d: ok i'm done oli where's your pla- TIMOTHY BECK COME HERE
n: uh oh COMING
d: why'd you wash the plate i told you i'll wash it
n: i want to help so you can wash your plate without having to wash olivia's plate with you
d: thanks but you didn't have to do that noah
n: sowwy *makes a 🥺 face*
d: aww it's okay *kisses his cheek*
n: *shocked* did you just kiss me?!
d: yeah why?
n: nothing just shocked
d: anyways m-mom i'll meet you in your room
h: whatever just go
*3 minutes later, heidi walks in her room*
h: well, well, well, what do we got here?
d: mom please i'm sorry i didn't mean to it just slipped out of my mouth!
h: aww you think sorry's gonna make me feel bad for you? if you think that then your wrong now come here you slut! *slaps her so hard*
d: *tears drop down her face* i'm sorry i promise to never do that again mom!
h: *kicks her stomach* don't ever call me mom again it's either ma'am or heidi you understand!
d: o-okay i'm s-sorry
h: *hits her body a few more times* good. now cover up and go to your room
d: o-ok ma'am
*dixie covers her bruises and goes to her room with tears on her face*
d: *gets to her room, closes the door, and starts to cry thinking no one is in her room* why me? WHY? *starts crying hard* *starts talking softly* why does she hate me so much? am i not her daughter? am i adopted? is my mom actually my step-mom?
n: hey dixie me and olivia are in here you know?
d: o-oh um sorry i'll get out
n: no no stay here what's wrong *pulls her into a hug*
d: *starts crying again* i don't wanna talk about it
n: ok shhh it's alright calm down baby it's okay she's not here anymore
d: noah sh-she hurted me l-look *shows her bruises on her legs, stomach, arms, and back*
n: oh my god dixie are you alright why didn't you tell me before?!
d: i'm sorry p-please don't leave me
n: no no no i won't leave you ever *lays down with dixie on top of him*
d: *cries into his chest*
o: nowh why is mommy cwying?
n: she doesn't feel happy right now princess but she'll be ok don't worry
o: huggy *opens her arms*
n: *hugs her* your so cute
d: i'm glad you guys are getting along
n: you feeling better?
d: mhm
n: do you wanna come over for a sleepover?
o: heyyy what about me
d: yeah sure i'll come and oli your coming with me ofc
d: okay sweetie pack like some toys, don't forget teddy!
o: i won't but mommy what about my clothes and toofbrush and more?
d: i'll pack these you just pack the stuff you can pack ok?
o: ok!
*goes to her room*
o: *tries grabbing her toy but it's too far up from her* GWANDPA!
m: YEAH?
m: COMING *comes in* everything okay?
o: can you get me my toys i don't weach
m: sure *gets her toys* there ya go
o: thank you gwandpa!
m: your welcome dear
*he leaves*

noah's pov:

YES!! okay so dixie accepted to come to the sleepover good start but now i have to call tatum and make sure everything's in place and ready for dixie
n: hold on dixie i have to go make an important phone call
d: ok i'll wait for you here
n: *calls tatum* hey tate!
d: *hears him* who tf is tate?
t: hey noah! what's up?
n: is everything ready and in place
t: yeah i just checked
n: great! i cant wait for her to see it! bye tate love you
t: love you too *hangs up*
n: *comes into dixie's room* back sorry i took a bit too long
d: *sad but tries to hide it* i-it's fine
n: *realizes she's sad but doesn't say anything* what'd you do while i was gone?
d: j-just watched tiktok
n: ooh! about tiktok, can we make a video pweaseeeee *gives her puppy eyes*
d: no noah i'm tired
n: you okay? you seem sad
d: maybe i am
n: aww what's wrong?
d: n-nothing
n: dixie. i know your lying now tell me what's wrong
d: the fact you call me baby and all that stuff and go talk to someone by the name tate and ask her if everything's ready and you say "oh my god i can't wait for her to see it she's gonna love it!" *mocks him* and then you have the AUDACITY to tell that tate bitch you loved her. really noah? i didn't expect this from you. out of my house
n: no dixie please no let me ex-
n: dixie baby just let me explain!
n: if that's what you want then fine *sad* bye.
d: *starts crying* why always me why! first it's madi, then it's my mom, now noah too?! who else my own daughter?
o: mommy is evewything ok?
d: y-yeah just go play with your toys or something
o: mommy awe you sure?
d: yeah sweetheart just go please
o: ok *leaves*
d: *locks the door and starts crying hardly* i guess no one wants me in this life so i'll do it *grabs a very sharp cutting thing and starts cutting her body while crying*
* a few minutes later, dixie stops and cries herself to sleep*
d: *wakes up to someone knocking on the door* who is it?
m: dixie honey wake up there's someone at the door for you
d: tell them to come up *wears a hoodie and sweatpants*
m: ok
*they come upstairs*
m: open the door
*unlocks it*
d: *sees someone* what do you want noah?
n: can you let me explain?
d: there's nothing to explain
n: yes there is would you just let me talk?
d: fine you've got 5 minutes and your time starts now
n: ok um so first the girl i was on the phone with was my sister and i asked her to help me to ask out this girl-
n: let me finish, so this tate girl is my sister like i said and she was helping me ask a girl out. she has black hair, brown eyes, 5'4ft, italian american, and is so pretty and you know her very well.
d: noah im so sorry i didn't let you explain
n: do you know who she is?
d: yes noah i do *hugs him tightly*
n: then who is she?
d: she's hugging you right now and yes i'll be your girlfriend
n: *hugs her back* you got it right!
d: YAYYY *kisses him* i love you babe
n: *kisses back* love you too
m: *clears his throat* you know i'm right here?
d: yeah sorry dad *stops hugging noah*
o: mommy i'm bored
d: did you pack your stuff?
o: yeah
d: need help with the other stuff
o: yep
d: okay, babe you coming?
n: yes i am *puts his hands around her*
d: *blushes*
n: i made you blush again damelio
d: stoppppp *blushes even more*
n: okay i'll stop but when are you gonna pack your clothes?
d: after i finish helping oli
*30 minutes later, dixie finished packing her and olivia's clothes*

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