t or d

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olivia: okay but mommy i want to see you i didn't see you today
d: okay baby hold on i just gotta wear my shirt alright?
o: okay mommy i will go on thw couch and watch peppa pig
d: alright have fun
*a few moments later dixie got out of the room*
o: MOMYY!!!!
d: hi baby! how are you?
o: good and mommy i made a fwend today
d: aww that's nice what's her name?
o: it's a boy and his name is nick
d: oh..a boy hm
o: ywah is it okay?
d: i don't know hun i didn't have a boy friend when i was your age
o: no mommy not boyfwend he's my friend and he's a boy
d: yeah baby i know anyways what do you wanna eat?
o: can we eat popcown and watch a movie???
d:suree and by the way mommy's friend is coming at 6 for dinner with us okay?
o: what her name?
d: it's a boy and his name is noah
o: i heawd auntie talking to someone on the phone and said thw name nowh
d: oh it might have been another boy named noah too
o: yeah well let's go make popcown now!!
d: alright alright

*5 minutes later*

d: hey baby do you want juice?
o: yeaaaaa
d: okay apple juice or orange juice?
o: appw juice
d: okay

*someone calls dixie*

d: oh look baby mommy's friend is calling
o: *hides her face in dixie's neck*
d: *picks up* hey noah!
n: hey dixie didn't know you had a niece
d: oh no that's not my niece
n: then who's that?
d: i'll explain when you come over
o: mommy can we go watch thw movie now??
n: did she say mommy?!
d: noah like i said i'll explain everything when i see you
n: okay fine but wait dixie
d: *sits on the couch while holding olivia still* yeah?
n: can i come over at 5 instead?
d: hold on i'm gonna have to ask my dad i'll tell you what he says
n: okay well bye dix!
d: bye

*they hang up*

o: mommy was that my daddy?
d: no no no that's mommy's friend
o: then wheres my daddy? does he not love me? *about to cry*
d: awhh no baby i actually don't know who your dad is we'll figure it out soon okay?
o: okay mommy

no one's pov:

it's now 4:24 and noah just got up to get ready, dixie is ready watching a movie with olivia and totally forgot to get olivia ready. 25 minutes later it was now 4:49 and dixie remembered to get olivia ready. noah is already on his way to the damelio house and he has about 5 minutes left.

d: umm baby come here we have to get yo- *her phone starts ringing* shoot it's noah uhhh hold on baby *picks it up* hey noah
n: hi dix well i just wanted to tell you i'm about 5 minutes away from your house
d: o-oh okay bye i have to go *hangs up
n: and there she goes again

o: mommy what did you want?
d: come here quick
o: yah?
d: we have to get you ready asap
o: why and what does asap mean?
d: because noah is 5 minutes away and asap means as soon as possible
o: okay but what do i weaw?
d: just lemme change you

d: there you go baby you look adorableo: *giggles*d: oh how much i love those giggleso: oh how much i love my mommy-*the doorbell rings*d: who could that beo: mommy it's your fwend silly *giggles*d: okay well let's go check should we?o: yeaaaaaa!d...

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d: there you go baby you look adorable
o: *giggles*
d: oh how much i love those giggles
o: oh how much i love my mommy-
*the doorbell rings*
d: who could that be
o: mommy it's your fwend silly *giggles*
d: okay well let's go check should we?
o: yeaaaaaa!
d: okay baby cmon!
o: mommy?
d: yeah?
o: can you sing us a song latew?
d: umm i'll think about it *opens the door* hi noah!
n: hey dix how you doin?
d: good and this is olivia my daughter as i said i'll explain it later
o: *hides in dixie's neck*
d: oli you have to say hi baby
o: hi..
n: hi olivia you look adorable
o: fanks
n: dixie you are so lucky to have a kid i really want one
d: if you'd just see what i went through oh my lord i was tired 24/7 and let's not talk about my craving
n: mhm tell me one of them
d: okay.. pb&j sandwich with chocolate..
n: okay that is a lot worse than i thought
d: please that's not even that bad there are way worse ones too
n: i don't wanna know anymore
o: mommy..
d: yeah oli?
o: when are we gonna eat dinnw?
d: i don't know let's go ask grandpa
o: okay nowh awe you coming wif us?
n: sure why not
*they go to marc and heidi's room*
d: hey mom where's dad?
h: taking a shower and hi noah
n: oh umm hi principal heidi
h: it's mrs.damelio when we aren't in school
n: oh ok sorry
*marc comes out*
m: hi so your noah?
n: yes it's nice to meet you mr
m: please call me marc when you say mr it makes me feel really old
n: haha yeah okay
d: so dad oli was asking when's dinner
m: whenever you guys want- oh
d & n: what?
m: didn't realize you were wearing shorts noah
n: yeah sorry if you don't like me wearing shorts in your household
m: no it's okay son
n: *smiles cause he called him son*
h: noah
n: yes?
h: what are your impressions of dixie?
h: what?!
m: you can't ask that!
h: whatever i'm going out to walk the dogs
o: gwandma?
h: what
o: what awe we having for dinnw
h: don't ask me that ask grandpa
o: o-ok sowwy
h: whatever, bye.
m: bye and you guys can go to dixie's room or wherever
d: okay we'll be in my room
m: alright and we're having steak for dinner oli
o: i don't eat steak
m: why not?
o: i cant swallow it
m: ohhhh i forgot..what do you want me to make you instead?
d: no dad it's fine i'll make her some pasta or mac and cheese or what she wants
m: no it's fine you guys go have fun together i'll make dinner
d: thank you dad and oli what do you want?
o: i don't know
m: do you want mac and cheese?
o: mhm!
m: okay you guys go to dixies room
d: okay bye dad!
n: bye mr.damelio i mean marc
m: bye doah
d & n: huh?
m: noah and dixie = doah that's your ship name
d: dad!
m: what? y'all are cute together you should totally date
d: since when do you say that?!
m: never but i like y'all together and i trust noah
n: i mean we might actually date
d: *punches him playfully* shut uppppp
n: ow!
d: please- drop the acting
n: ughhh
*they go to dixie's room*
d: what do you wanna do?
n: i don't know olivia what do you wanna do?
d: call her oli for short
o: i wanna watch peppa pig downstaiws so..BYE!
n: ouh-
d: and there she goes
n: she's really cute and nice
d: nice? wait till you actually get to know her
n: what do you mean by that?
d: olivia? nice? that doesn't make any sense. olivia has the same personality as me and to add with that, she's sassy too.
n: like is she gonna be the popular girl in elementary school or what?
d: no not like that lets say she'd be watching peppa pig and i turn off the tv and tell her to go to sleep because it's her bedtime she'd say
o: you don't tell me what to do
d: oh yes i do, i pushed you outta me
o: that doesn't make you tell me what to do
d: yes it does if i didn't get pregnant, you wouldn't be here right now so you should be thankful
o: whatever give me the remote
d: not until you fix that attitude with your mom

n: damn she is really sassy
d: told you
n: okay but what do you wanna do now for real?
d: i wanna play truth or dare but there are no people with us
n: how about we facetime your friends all together?
d: great idea but who should i add?
n: kate, charli, avani, blake, bryce, riley, and chase
d: okay let's call and wait
*charli and bryce joined*
charli & bryce: hey sis
dixie: hey
bryce: so why did you invite us and the others here with noah?
dixie: we wanted to play truth or dare but no one's with us so we decided to call you all
*everyone else joins*
everyone: hii!
dixie: hey everyone so me and noah invited y'all here to play truth or dare because we're super bored so who's first?
bryce: i'll go first
dixie: okay
bryce: avani truth or dare?
avani: truth
bryce: is it true you like anthony?
avani: ......yes
avani: oh my god shut up *laughs* okay now i'll choose. kate truth or dare
kate: dare
avani: i dare you to call your crush right now
kate: but i'm using my phone to call y'all
avani: use your laptop
kate: okay lemme just go get it
avani: okay hurry up
kate: back okay let's call him *calls a boy named nathan*
nathan: hello?
everyone: *shocked*
kate: yeah um hi nathan
nathan: hey kate wassup?
kate: nothing just someone dared me to call you
nathan: oh okay
kate: well bye
nathan: bye *hangs up*
kate: yes i do chilll it's not a big deal alright anyways my turn..chase truth or dare?
chase: dare
kate: i dare you to text your crush saying you love them
chase: oh god this is gonna be hella embarrassing
dixie: just do it chase
everyone: yeahh
chase: okay okay *texts charli*
charli: chase why did you- text me...
*olivia comes in* mommy..
d: what's wrong baby?
o: i saw a s-spider downstaiws *about to cry*
d: hold on guys *turns off her camera and mic*
n: oli where did you see it
o: come come
n: where was it?
o: ovew thewe
d: next to the table?
n: dix can you get me a bug killer spray thing
d: yeah just give me a second
*a few moments later*
n: cmon babe i mean dixie sorry we're gonna lose the spider
d: *blushes cause he called her babe* here
n: why you blushing?
d: i'm not *her face gets red*
n: dixie you look like a tomato from blushing
d: heyyyy that's mean
n: okay let's cut it princess do you know where it went?
o: yah between the tabw and TV
n: FOUND IT *kills it*
n: high five!
o: *high fives him* now whewe do we put it?
n: i put it in the toilet and flush the toilet but i'm not gonna do that today you know what i'm gonna do?
d & o: what?
n: throw it outside
d: okay but are you just gonna like throw it anywhere or what exactly?
n: nope i'll put it in a bag and throw it in the outside garbage
d: mkay well me and oli will be waiting for you
n: alrighty
m: what's going on here?
d: olivia found a spider and noah killed it he's taking it outside to the garbage
m: damn that guy is a man
h: *walks in* i'm back
d: great.
h: shut up before i show you revenge *raises her hand*
d: *flinches* o-okay sorry
h: you better be
m: hey hey hey, don't you dare hurt my daughter
h: did you not know i pushed her out of me?
m: yes i do and it doesn't look like you did
*someone comes in*
n: am i interrupting something?
m: no you're fine
o: nowh nowh uppy
n: you want me to pick you up?
o: mhm *reaches for noah*
n: *picks her up* you good?
o: yep can we go to mommy's woom?
n: yeah sure what do you wanna do?
o: you wew calling youw fwends
n: oh yeah you reminded me thanks
o: no pwoblem
*they continue truth or dare for about 15 minutes*

hey y'all so it is really late now and i gotta go to sleep now because i have to wake up tomorrow at 7:30 for school😭 anyways this is all for today bye guys!

2127 words

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