back to each other

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a: here come on let's go to your room
n: ok *gets up
a: so what happened exactly
n: *explains everything*
a: i'm so sorry for you
tatum: *walks in* why's noah crying?
a: i'll tell you everything later
t: ok i just came here to ask y'all if you wanted anything from mcdonald's?
a: i'll have my regular
t: noah?
n: anything
t: alright
a: ok i'll leave you alone for a bit alright?
n: mk
a: bye *hugs him before she leaves*
n: wait where are you going
a: i'll probably watch a movie
n: can i watch with you?
a: sure
*the next day*
n: *alarm* ughhhh *turns it off*
a: *walks in* hey
n: hi
a: how'd you sleep?
n: good
a: ok well let's get ready now so i'll see you downstairs
n: ok
a: by the way mom made us some waffles
n: tell her i said thanks
a: i will *leaves*
*10 minutes later*
n: *goes downstairs* morning tate
t: hey noah *hugs him* you ok?
n: yeah
a: woah what happened to you noah?
n: what?
a: have you been crying?
n: yes
a: what happened
n: i'll tell you later i don't wanna burst out crying
t: can i tell her?
n: sure but first i'll get my food and leave because i don't wanna hear it
t: ok
a: *comes downstairs* NOAHHH
n: what?
a: wanna come to the gym with me?
n: no
a: no you're coming
n: then why'd you ask me if i wanted to come?
a: i don't know, but let's gooooo
n: ok ok
*they leave*

dixie's pov:

i woke up early today which was surprising. i decided to go to the gym since i woke up early. i brushed my teeth, wore my clothes, ate breakfast, got olivia ready, and headed to the gym. about 15 minutes later i got to the gym. i started working out softly then going to the harder stuff. while i was running on the treadmill, something caught my eye from the door...


noah's pov:

me and addison have just reached to the gym and when we walked in, we say the unexpected...


she was running on the treadmill with olivia next to her sleeping. i couldn't handle it anymore. i ran out

a: noah come back here
n: no
a: why?
n: did you not see her?
a: see who
n: dixie jane damelio!
a: what?!
n: yes
a: how'd you know?
n: i know dixie even her side profile is showing so i can tell it's her and olivia was next to her too!
a: i'll go check *walks in and whispers* shit
n: *comes behind her* what?
d: huh? *looks at the door* w-what are you doing here?
n: what am i doing here? what are you doing here you never wake up this early
d: i woke up early today
n: i can't take it *runs over to dixie and hugs her tightly*
d: *doesn't hug back*
n: dixie i'm sorry for whatever i did i can't be without you
d: well i can cheater
n: what?
d: yes
n: cheater? me?
d: yes
n: how'd i cheat?!
d: you tell me *leaves*
n: *starts crying* i didn't cheat..i'd never
???: *walks in* oh sorry am i interrupting?
a: no you're good we were just leaving anyway
???: ok. you okay?
n: yeah it's fine
???: are you sure? i'm a therapist i could really help you if you need
n: yeah it's fine
a: here i'll take your number and i'll see if there's anyone *pointing to noah* that needs help
???: alright, i'm mia
a: hi mia, i'm addison and this is noah
mia: are you guys dating or?
a: no no we're siblings
m: you guys look so cute together of course as siblings
a: thanks
n: *goes over and hugs addison from the side* we have to go to school now
a: oh yeah let's go, bye mia see you i don't know when
m: *laughs* ok bye
n: *goes in his car* let's go to school now *starts driving*
a: wait!
n: what?
a: *turns on the radio*
n: since when do you like playing the radio?
a: since now, listen
radio guy: and now, let's go with *drum roll* dixie d'amelio!
n: WHAT?!
d: *on the radio* hi everyone
radio guy: well hi dixie nice to meet you
d: nice to meet you too
radio guy: so
d: so
rg: there has been rumors going around that you are dating a guy called *looks at his paper* noah beck?
d: u-umm yeah we are
rg: wow i didn't know that! *laughs*
d: *awkwardly laughs*
rg: well let's see him
d: ok *takes out her phone* thinks: fuck i deleted his photos, wait there's instagram *goes to instagram* okay so this is him
rg: okay he looks muscular
d: yeah he works out a lot
rg: well that's amazing to hear, the most important thing is, does he treat you right
d: *thinks* no he doesn't he ducking cheating on me* yeah he does
rg: well that's great to hear
d: yeah
*they continue on for 5 minutes*
rg: *keeps asking stuff about noah*
d: *gets emotional* sorry give me a minute *goes to the bathroom*
rg: ok
d: *locks the door and slides down the wall* i miss you baby
n: where'd she go?
a: i don't know
d: *2 minutes later she wipes her tears and fixes her makeup and goes back* sorry about that
rg: it's fine *looks at her* *whispers* are you ok
d: yeah let's continue
rg: alright, okay so how did you and noah meet?
d: in school i used to bully him and i was forced to bully him and one day the girl who forced me to bully noah went too far so i stood up for noah and that's how we became friends and now w-we're dating
rg: that's great but bad
d: yeah he first part is bad
rg: well moving on now, with justin bieber
a: noah let's get out now
n: can you believe it?
a: what?
n: she just said we were dating!
a: it's fine noah she has to
n: whatever, let's go
*they go in*
everyone: *looks at noah*
n: what?
someone: umm haven't you heard?
n: huh?
someone: you literally cheated on dixie
n: i never did! i swear *falls on the ground crying*
d: *looks at him* thinks: i wanna help him- no dixie he cheated on you this is what he gets in return
n: i can't take it anymore *runs out of the school*
a: NOAH COME BACK HERE *runs behind him* and he left
everyone: *looking at addison*
someone: jeez okay

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