Chapter 18 | passed out

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nov: it fine if i have a dada

n: i really want to hug you

nov: *runs over to him to hug him*

d: i don't think that's a good idea *pushes her away from noah slowly*

nov: w-why

d: h-he's not ready yet

nov: *gets a bit sad* ok sowwy *walks out*

n: it's alright nov! maybe next time

d: *drifts off to sleep*

n: already? *goes on his phone*

*2 hours later (8pm)*

d: *wakes up but stays in her place and pretends to move around*

n: shh *rubs her back*

d: *smiles in her sleep but hen turns to normal*

n: *doesn't realize* i love you *kisses her head*

d: *smiles again*

n: heyyy ur awake

d: *giggles*

*3 days later*

n: *calls addison but she doesn't answer* babe have you talked to addison the past 3 days?

d: no i keep calling and texting her but she doesn't answer me

n: me neither

d: should we go to her apartment to check on her?

n: do you have keys?

d: yes

n: then let's go

d: okay i'm just gonna go tell camila

n: ok i'll be waiting at the door

d: *tells camila*

n: don't forget the keys!

d: i got them! *walks out*

n: i hope everything's okay

d: hopefully

*they go to addisons apartment*

d: i'm gonna knock first *knocks*

*no answer*

n: *knocks but a bit louder*

*no answer again*

d: okay i'm gonna have to open the door *opens it* ADDISON


*no answer*

n: let's look around

d: i'll go check her room

n: i'll check the living room and kitchen

*2 minutes of searching*

d: addison?! ADDISON

n: did you find her?!

d: y-yes addison! *hits her face softly*

addi: *not moving*

n: we're gonna have to take her to the hospital, now *picks her up*

d: *follows him* is she okay??

n: i don't know!

*they go to the hospital*


doctor: *walks over* how can i help you?

n: m-my sister i don't know what's wrong with her

doctor: do you know what happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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