Chapter 17 | starbucks guy?

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*the next morning*

o: *runs into dixie's room with nova running behind her* MOMMY

d: olivia go away

o: wake up i'm hungry

d: go get some food

o: i want you to cut up some oranges for me

d: since when do you eat healthy

o: since now

d: what do u want nova?

nov: waffws (waffles)

d: do you guys not want to go to starbucks?

nov: no i don like stawbus (no i don't like starbucks)

d: i can make u some waffles then, what about u liv?

o: starbucks it is

d: *laughs*

o: *points at someone in dixie's bed* who's that?

d: oh that's auntie adds

o: oh

nov: AUNTIEEE *jumps on her*

addi: *wakes up* nova *laughs*


addi: i'm awake *sits up*

d: what time is it?

o: i think it's 9

d: well we should get ready and i still need to make nova some waffles

nov: yay!

d: *walks to the bathroom*

addi: dixie what should i wear?

d. whatever you like

addi: okay *walks to dixie's closet and picks out an outfit*

addi: okay *walks to dixie's closet and picks out an outfit*

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^ addison's outfit

^ addison's outfit

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^ dixie's outfit

d: *walks to the kitchen to make nova some waffles*

babysitter (dixie has a babysitter): good morning

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