new apartment

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*they go to the kitchen*
kidnapper 1: hey tayler
t: hey josh
josh: what are y'all doing here?
t: food
j: hey! we'll come take food don't just stand there
d: o-ok sorry
t: what do you want?
d: a-anything
j: what about that child
d: baby what do you want?
o: wice kwispy?
t: i don't think we have that
o: pwease *🥺*
j: stop it with that ugly ass face
d: hey! don't you talk to my daughter that way *picks up olivia*
o: no wice kwispy?
t: we don't have that at the moment i'll go get some
o: yay!
j: shut up
o: s-sowwy
j: whatever you go to your room. tayler will go get whatever you want
t: what about you...
d: it's dixie
t: dixie.. do you want anything?
d: *signs 'to call someone'*
t: nothing?
d: umm no i-i'll take a rice krispy treat too
t: okay i'll just buy a box
d: thanks
j: go to your rooms now
*they go to theyre room*
t: *knocks on the window*
d: AHH- you scared me *opens the window*
t: hey umm here take my phone and call whoever you want
d: o-okay thanks
t: is the door locked?
d: yea
t: perfect we don't want him catching us
o: *hides behind dixie* scawy man
t: hey i'm sorry, what's your name?
o: *stays silent*
d: she's olivia *calls noah*
n: *picks up* hello?
d: babe! it's me dixie umm i-i got kidnapped by 2 people but one of them was nice to give me his phone to call you and-
n: BABE! where are you?!
d: i-i don't know seriously it's this hidden place
t: can you put him in speaker?
d: s-sure *puts him in speaker* babe i put on you on speaker now
n: where is dixie?
t: umm well we're in this hidden place the other kidnapper has and umm i can send you the location if you want
n: YES! please
t: okay just give me a second *sends him the location* well bye for now i have to go get your girlfriend and her daughter some food
n: bye i'll be there in a bit baby ok?
d: okay but who'll open the door for you?
t: i will, the store is about 2 minutes away so i'll be there in about 5 minutes
n: alright well i'll be there in let's say 10 minutes
d: ok, bye baby love you
n: i love you too *hangs up*
o: mommy who dat?
d: it's dada baby you'll see him in a bit ok?
o: ok mommy. i bowed
d: okay what do you wanna play honey?
o: i don't wanna pway
d: then what do you wanna do?
o: cuddwe!
d: alright baby *opens her arms*
o: *hugs her* i love you mommy
d: i love you too baby
*4 minutes later tayler came*
t: hey
d: hi
t: here's your food
d: thanks
d: low your voice princess
o: ok sowwy
d: it's fine here i'll open it
o: thank you
t: ok i'll be in the living room if you want me
d: ok just call my name when noah's here
t: your boyfriend?
d: yeah
t: ok
*5 minutes later*
n: *knocks in the door*
t: NO I WILL *opens the door*
n: who's tayler?
t: me
n: whe-
t: *signs shh*
j: what do you want?
n: umm
j: whatever i'm leaving *leaves*
t: sorry about that he's the other kidnapper he forces me to do these stuff but i don't want to but i have to because my mother is in the hospital snd needs money and this is my only way to get money to help her but don't worry i didn't do anything to dixie i just told her to pretend i hurt her and she said she had bruises anyways so the other kidnapper will believe me and think i hurt dixie
n: what'd you say?!
t: my moms in the hospital?
n: no no not that part the one where you said dixie has..bruises?
t: yeah..we're you not supposed to know that?
n: where is she.
t: u-umm here come in i'll lead you
n: *tried to open the door* dixie open the door
d: *unlocks he door* BABY *hugs him tightly*
n: *hugs back* i missed you love
d: *pulls away and kisses him* i missed you more
n: noo come back here *hugs her*
d: *starts crying*
n: what's wrong baby did anyone hurt you? are you okay? and what bruises? who hurt you?
d: n-no he didn't hurt me nor the other one and yes i'm okay and w-what bruises
n: you lying?
d: fine come in
t: i'll leave you two alone
n: thanks
t: *leaves*
d: *pulls up her hoodie and pants*
n: babe..who did this
d: guess who?
n: who?
d: none other than heidi
n: *hugs her* i'm so sorry for you love
d: *cries harder* i do-nt know w-what i did wro-ng being a-a daught-er
n: you did nothing wrong she's just..i don't know
d: it's like i'm nit e-ven her da-aughter
*they continue on sad talking for 10 minutes*
j: *tries to open the door* open the goddamn door
d: *whispers* s-shit were dead
n: don't worry i'll protect you *gets up and opens the door*
j: what are you doing in here huh? who do you think you are?
n: guess you didn't realize dixie's my girlfriend
d: noah no!
j: *grabs him by the shirt* what do you think your doing here huh? you come in here, you hurt her you understand?! *about to punch him*
n: *grabs his arm and pushes him on the floor so now he's on top of him*
n: look, i don't wanna hurt you cause i'm not that type of person you either leave or i'll have to hurt you
j: like your strong anyway. you probably go out and do drugs
n: you probably go out and kidnap teenage girls and r@pe them. now, where was i?
t: *comes in and goes to dixie and whispers* i'll call the police okay?
d: o-ok
o: but why?
n: just listen to me princess
j: *chuckles* princess? what kind of name is that?
n: correction it's nickname not name and it's cute maybe if you actually find a girl and love her and start a family maybe you'll understand or you'll stay empty minded
j: you don't control me
n: i might not control you, but you need to grow up a bit and work your mind
j: *manages to punch noah so he does*
n: you motherfucker- oh sorry i forgot olivia was in here
d: it's ok
j: you're so soft
n: maybe because i care for my family unlike you *gets up and pushes him and goes on top of him*
j: dude get off me
n: nope not until police comes here
*someone barges in*
police 1: HANDS IN THE AIR
*everyone puts they're hands in the air except for noah and tayler*
police 2: what happened here?
t: can i explain everything? i was the one who called you guys
t: what? can i not save a girl?
police 2: everyone stop talking
*they all go silent*
police 2: now, you. what happened here you say?
t: *explains everything*
police 1: do you have any proof? we cannot accept anything
t: yes i set up some cameras in case something like this happens
police 1: ok then let's see
*they watch the whole footage*
j: *puts his hands behind his back*
police 2: you're arrested for abusing young teenage girls
police 1: he did nothing wrong unlike you
*they take him to the police car*
n: are you okay?
d: yes i'm alright
o: DADDY! uppyyyyy
n: *picks her up* i missed you so much
o: me too!
d: can we go home?
n: yes, by the way your dad has been worried about you
d: what about charli and my mom?
n: charli was worried too and you're mom, she didn't care
d: typical heidi
n: sorry for you, let's go home now
*they go to dixie's house*
d: *about to unlock the door*
n: *grabs her hand gently* no let's not do that let's knock instead so he'll be surprised
d: ok *knocks on the door*
c: OK DAD *opens the door* DIX-
d: *covers charli's mouth* shhh we wanan surprise dad
c: so you weren't kidnapped this whole time?
d: i was but now i'm free and the guy has been took to jail
c: ok whatever i missed you *hugs her*
d: i missed you too char char
m: charli who was at the- DIXIE *runs and hugs her*
d: hi dad
m: are you okay?
d: yes dad i'm alright
m: wait a second..look at me
d: *looks at marc* what?
m: who did that?
d: did what?
m: your face, who slapped you?
d: *looks at noah*
m: noah did?!
d: no no no of course not mom did or should i say heidi
m: i swear this woman is crazy
d: seriously
m: anyways i was so worried about you
d: i know dad
m: ooh! by the way honey i have a surprise for you
d: what is it?
m: come in my room when i call you, everyone else come in my room now
everyone: ok
d: i'll be waiting on the couch
*3 minutes later*
d: COMING *goes to marc's room* what?
m: open this *hands her a big box*
d: it's so light
m: just open it
d: *opens it* another box?
m: keep going
d: *opens the other box* another box? is this some type of joke?
m: just keep opening
d: *keeps opening until the last box*
m: ok this is the last box before you open it, guess what's inside
d: can i shake it?
m: yes you can
d: *shakes it* i don't know? is it a key or what?
m: ok you can open it now
d: *opens it* a key? for what?
m: i bought you an apartment for your 19th birthday. sorry i gave you it late but when it was your birthday i was still buying your apartment
d: *hugs marc* thank you so much dad! you don't know how much this means to me
m: ofc hun! *hugs her back*
d: finally now i can be away from that psycho
m: who?
d: heidi
c: what about me?
d: i'll miss you but i'll come here a lot so don't worry snd we can even have sleepovers and stuff
c: aww
d: well, what should we do now?
m: how about we call your friends to come over and we can have some fun? no alcohol tho
d: of course. none of us here even drinks
m: bryce does and some of your friends do too
d: we don't have alcohol and i'll be sure to tell them to not bring
m: that's my baby
c: i'm not your baby?
m: you are both of you are
d: ok well i'll go call my friends
*dixie goes and calls all of them and they all agree*
d: ok they all said yes
m: great to hear that
n: did you call curtis?
d: yes
n: good
*10 minutes later people started to come*
avani: okay so what are we gonna play first
d: okay so we're going to sit on the couch and talk while everyone else comes
everyone: ok
*8 minutes later everyone is there*
d: ok so what do y'all wanna play?
bryce: t or d?
everyone says sure
n: okay so who's first
curtis: i will
n: okay
curtis: bryce truth or dare?
bryce: truth
curtis: have you ever slept with any one here?
bryce: yes
charli: who?!
bryce: that isn't a part of the question
charli: ughhh
bryce: anyways, addison truth or dare?
addison: dare
bryce: i dare you to kiss someone in here
addison: who should i kiss? everyone here is taken
bryce: okay fine we'll make it a kiss on the cheek
addison: fine i'll go with noah since he's my brother *kisses his cheek*
n: since when do you kiss me?
addison: it's a dare, anyways kate truth or dare
kate: dare
addison: call someone and tell them that you love them
kate: okay then i'll cousin
addison: boy or girl?!
kate: girl
addison: ugh dang it
kate: *calls presley* hey pres
presley: hey kate what's up?
kate: i love you
presley: i love you too. what's going on?
kate: sorry it was a dare
presley: so you don't love me
kate: i do but like i don't mean it as like in love you know?
presley: oh ok well i gotta go now bye
kate: bye
*they continue on the game*

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