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*the next morning*

n: *wakes up*

d: *still sleeping*

n: baby *shakes her* dixie wake up

d: mmm

n: dixie we have school

d: what time is it?

n: *checks* shoot were late for school

d: really?

n: yes!

d: okay you go freshen up i'll go wake up olivia

n: ok

d: *goesto olivia's room* olivia wake up

o: *moves around*

d: olivia mommy is late for school cmon wake up

o: *wakes up*

d: *picks her up and starts getting her ready*

o: mommy slow down

d: olivia you don't understand i'm late for school and i still need to get myself ready

o: ok go get ready

d: *runs to her room*

n: woah babe slow down

d: we're so late noah! if you're ready go to the car with olivia i'll come after you

n: alright *walks to the kitchen*

*10 minutes later*

d: *wearing her shoes*

n: *calls dixie*

d: *picks up* coming right now

n: alright just checking

d: *hangs up* alright let's go *goes to the car*

n: finally *starts driving*

d: i didn't even get to eat

n: guess we'll have to wait till lunch

d: ugh

*they get to school*

d: *walks in holding noah's hand*

everyone: *looks at them*

d: what now?

someone: umm you've been absent from school for like a week

d: so? what does that have to do with you

someone: you've been absent with noah too

d: what are you trying to say?

someone: you two did something

d: what did we do?

someone: maybe went on vacation or like that

d: so what if we did it's none of your business

n: calm down babe

d: let's just go *storms to her locker*

n: are you alright?

d: yes

m: *bumps into dixie on purpose* oops sorry bitch

d: the only bitch you'll be seeing is when you look in the mirror

*some of madis friends start laughing*


*they all go silent*

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