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dixie's pov:

ugh this class is so boring. i took out my phone and started texting noah

the chats:

d: ugh this class is so boring

n: i know right i want it to get over done with so i can see you and hang out

d: yeah but we still have a class

n: yeah that's boring

d: anyways do you know the answer for 8?

n: yeah it's 251.78

d: awesome! thanks

n: no problem and hey i wanted to ask if you wanna come over today to my house

d: umm i don't know i'll have to ask my parents about that

n: okay well if they say yes then come at 5 but text me before it so i know your coming

d: why you wanna know? will you like look handsome for me?

n: n-no *says nervously

d: then why?

n: i just wanna make sure your coming yeah

d: hmm okay we'll let's stay focused in class we don't wanna fail

n: you're right so bye!

*1 hour and 30 minutes later, school finished and noahs heading to the principals office*

n: hi principal heidi

h: oh hello there noah where's madi and avani?

n: i don't know i'll go get them

h: no stay here i'll go get them

*someone barges into the room*

m & a: sorry for being late

h: it's okay now sit down here

*they sit down*

h: who wants to go first?

m: I WILL!

h: okay start talking

m: so basically noah threw his own glasses a-and *starts fake crying* and then he blamed it on me


h: SHHHH go on madi

m: a-and then th-the teacher asked what ha-happened and av-vani and noah st-tarted blam-ming me

h: is that true?

n: i swear it didn't

a: yeah thats not what happened show her noah what happened

n: *takes out his camera* i asked the science teacher if i could put this in her class so i can prove you that madi was the one who brings trouble *shows heidi the video*

m: that's fake!

h: yeah it is fake so noah detention for 2 weeks and avani you got detention for 1 week


h: what are you gonna do sleep with me?

n: ew hell no you didn't watch the whole video *shows the rest*

h: that looks very fake so still detention

n: okay hold on *calls dixie*

d: hey noah how's it going with my mom?

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