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d: no way... you got me... NEW SHOES?!

n: yes! all for you babyd: *hugs him tightly* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU *kisses him*n: *kisses back* you're welcome! wanna play a game?d: what game?n: this *picks her up and runs to the water*d: NOAH TIMOTHY BECK DONT YOU DARE THROW ME!n: oops...

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n: yes! all for you baby
d: *hugs him tightly* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU *kisses him*
n: *kisses back* you're welcome! wanna play a game?
d: what game?
n: this *picks her up and runs to the water*
n: oops! *throws her in*
d: NOAHH!!!
n: accident!
d: oh wanna know what's accident? *pulls him in the water* oops accident! *giggles*
n: heyyyyyy i'm all wet now
d: you didn't bring clothes?
n: yeah i did actually
d: good, now let's go to olivia
o: mom- why awe you wet?
d: maybe because NOAH threw me in the water
o: oh okay but mommy i was looking for you because someone cawed (called) you *gives dixie her phone*
d: thanks *takes it* oh
n: who is it?
d: no one *walks away and picks up the phone* hello?
madi: hey BITCH
d: what do you want?
m: to wish you a BAD BIRTHDAY *laughs*
d: you think that's funny?
m: yeah all my friends are laughing about it
d: oh well i'm sorry but they're faking it
m: pffff i know my friends would never do that right guys?
*they all go silent*
m: DUDE!
d: see
m: okay whatever this isn't the point
d: then what is?
m: where's my stuff?
d: what stuff? *acting dumb*
m: umm the stuff you got for your birthday?
d: huh?
m: give me all your presents and money from your birthday you idiot
d: what do you mean?
d: no i'm not you are
m: how
d: maybe because you exposed yourself to the WHOLE school
m: HUH?
d: see who's the idiot now. goodbye have an awful day *hangs up*
m: WAI- *dixie hangs up* BITCH
d: *goes back* sorry about that *sighs*
n: is everything okay?
d: yeah
n: you sure?
d: yes noah
n: okay let's head home now
o: da- i mean noah uppy *puts her hand up*
n: *picks her up shocked* what we're you gonna say?!
o: i was gonna say d-daddy sowwy *🥺*
n: aww it's fine i like it anyway
o: *hugs him* i love you daddy
n: me too princess
d: you guys are so cute but anyways let's go now
n: alright cmon let's go
d: my house or yours?
n: yours
d: alrighty
n: btw who called you?
d: oh umm no one
n: dixie i know you're lying. who called you
d: f-fine it was madi
n: what'd she say?
d: nothing i worked everything out
n: dixie jane
d: what!
n: what'd she say
d: *explains everything*
n: dixie you're not giving her anything understand?
d: i know
n: good girl
o: heyyyyy what about me
n: you're a good girl too
o: *smiles*
d: noah can you go faster please i'm tired and wanna go to bed
n: okay *goes a little faster*
*3 minutes later they get home*
m: hey honey did you have fun?
d: yeah so much fun
m: happy to hear that, do you wanna eat something or?
d: no thanks dad i'm going to take a nap goodnight!
o: night mommy!
n: goodnight babe
*1 hour later dixie woke up*
d: *looks behind her*
n: hey babe
d: hi *stretches*
n: oh yeah those stretches
d: *giggles* stoppppp
n: stop what?
d: forget it, where's moo?
n: he fell off the bed
d: oh poor moo, where's olivia
n: she fell asleep (btw it's 9:46pm)
d: i should go back to sleep in a bit
n: mhm
d: i'll go eat something, want anything?
n: nope i'm good i just ate like 15 minutes ago
d: alright! *goes to make her food*
*the next morning at 9:56*
n: *wakes up* *picks up his phone and sees some texts and opens it*

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