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*the next day*
n: *wakes up and sees dixie sleeping*
o: *knocks on the door*
n: *says quietly* come in
o: hi daddy
n: hey baby morning
o: good morning. i'm hungry
n: let's go get ready and eat breakfast
o: ok
*they get ready and head to the kitchen*
d: *wakes up* morning babe *looks next to her* babe?
n: *making breakfast*
d: noah!
d: coming!
n: *his phone rings* oh it's mom *picks up* hey mom
a: hi honey i just wanted to tell you you can drop out of school since i know you've been wanting to be pro soccer player and you have olivia and a baby coming soon which is a lot of work and you gotta take care of dixie with her pregnancy
n: yeah it is a lot, but thanks mom but when do i drop out?
a: there's about 2 weeks of this term if you pass, you'll drop out
n: yes!
d: what?
n: mom said i will finish this term then i could drop out
d: great!
o: mommy
d: yes?
o: when do i go to school?
d: umm i don't know about that
n: why baby
d: because i don't want anyone seeing me picking her up from school because they'll know she's mine because of the internet
n: oh well you can homeschool her
o: no i wanna go to school
d: i don't know baby i do not know if i should
o: you should
d: look princess. mommy's tired and has a lot in her head. imagine thinking of like 10 things at the same time
o: what's on your mind?
d: this apartment and how i need to go grocery shopping every week, buying you toys and clothes and even clothes for myself, my rent, my work, school, thinking of my furutre, my mom, you, noah, the baby, everything
n: oh my lord
d: it's tiring me
o: that's easy
d: then why don't you go ahead and try
o: *thinks* no thanks you i'm alright *walks away*
d: i don't know what to do anymore
n: it'll be alright, i'll go talk to her
d: ok i'll make breakfast
n: oh baby can you- never mind
d: make you breakfast? of course
n: thanks
d: anything for my baby
n: *knocks on olivia's door*
o: what?!
n: it's me daddy can i come in?
o: what's the password
n: umm cat in the hat?
o: wrong
n: okay i'm coming in
o: nooo
n: *walks in* whats up with you
o: what
n: you cannot say that to your mom
o: but it's true
n: still. she's your mom. you need to respect her honey. she put the hard work and was tired but all of that was for you. if she didn't put the hard work and didn't care for you, you probably wouldn't even be here right now
o: so?
n: all i'm tryna say is go apologize to your mother
o: fine *walks in the kitchen* i'm sorry *says fakely*
n: say it properly and mean it
o: i'm sorry mom
d: it's okay i know you wanna go to school honey but we can't. if we go to school everybody is gonna see me with you and you know how mommy's famous and if they see you they'll keep asking me questions i'm not ready to answer
o: i never go out a lot
d: you go to school with me sometimes, you go to grandpas house, you sometimes go to the park
o: talking about he park, can we go?
d: i have work to do ask dad
n: i'll take her dixie don't worry
d: thanks
n: you're welcome. let's go get ready
o: ok!
*they go to olivia's room*
o: i don't know what to wear
n: neither do i
d: *walks in* need help?
o: yes
d: ok *picks out 3 clothes* you have these 3 choices

 let's go get readyo: ok!*they go to olivia's room*o: i don't know what to wearn: neither do id: *walks in* need help?o: yesd: ok *picks out 3 clothes* you have these 3 choices

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