7 ~ Sheikah

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I watched as one of the Sheikah carefully lifted Link's lifeless body from the ground and placed one hand under the back of his knee, holding his back with the other. Link's arms hung lifelessly from him and it broke my heart to see him like this.

The Sheikah who was carrying Link nodded to me once more as he was already on his way to take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. I was turning around to the Master Sword, which was still on the ground, when the other Sheikah suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and carefully turned me around to face him.

I looked at him, startled, as he removed the scarf from in front of his mouth for a moment and smiled gently at me.
"It's going to be okay," he assured me, spreading his arms as I took a step toward him and tearfully closed the embrace.
He carefully wrapped his gentle, yet muscular arms around my waist and hugged me tightly as he rested his head on mine momentarily.
"Princess, I see you have found your true love," he murmured into our embrace. "I've learned to deal with it."

Carefully, I released the embrace and now looked sadly straight into Sogha's face.
"I'm so sorry Sogha," I brought out brokenly as I realized my eyes were already filling with tears again. "I'm so sorry that I never felt the way you did; that I had taken you to explore ancient relics so many times anyway."

I realized how tears were finally coming now as I thought about how I had hurt Sogha a lot these past few years and would now really never see Link again; and that the last chance to even get Link back would be the Shrine of Resurrection, which was so unsafe....

"Forgive me, Princess," Sogha apologized as he carefully took my hands in his. "I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable by my feelings in any way."
"I've learned to deal with it," I answered him curtly as I took my hands from his. "But maybe you'd better go now."

Sogha nodded silently at me and then turned his back as he looked over his shoulder at me one more time.
"You'll be fine," he said with a gentle smile as he turned his gaze toward the mountains. "I have faith in you."

He took off running and after a few seconds he was already so far away that I couldn't even hear him anymore.

But Sogha, the bard of my family, he had always been close to me. Ever since I was little, he had played songs for me on various instruments. And when I was older, he always accompanied me when I wanted to explore old ruins. For most of the time, my father had allowed me to go with him, and if that wasn't the case, Sogha had always persuaded him that he would be there and take care of me.

But when I turned 16, I noticed that Sogha started to behave differently towards me; he had always been a little older, since Sheikah generally aged slower, but he had fallen in love with me at that point. I didn't know how to handle it, he was so sweet to me, but also one of my best friends; and really just friends.

Then Link came into my life, I saw him for the first time....
I didn't like him at first, I kept talking to Sogha about him and pouring my heart out to him about how hard it was for me that he was the bearer of the Master Sword and my power just wouldn't awaken.

But then Link became my appointed knight and things changed; from now on I didn't see Sogha as much and Link slowly took his place. And a strong bond built up with Link, one that I had never felt with Sogha. After initial difficulties with Link, that's when I realized how much I liked him; also how much I liked him just being around me.

From that moment on, I began to see Sogha less often, spending my free time, in which I was researching relics, together with Link; I grew distant from Sogha.

I just didn't want to hurt Sogha, but I had actually already hurt him when I rejected him, shortly after he confessed that he loved me.
But right then I had realized that my heart was beating for Link, but I just couldn't tell Link; I never got to it.

My eyes fell once again on the Master Sword as I carefully picked it up off the floor and took it up. I clasped the sword's hilt tightly with both hands as I considered the best way to get to the Great Hyrule Forest.

I took one deep breath and then looked around; I was still on the Blatchery Plain and had managed to take out all the Guardians around me. But unfortunately, I didn't know until where exactly the Guardians had been taken out. I guess I would just have to be very careful so that no one caught me; I wouldn't be able to take multiple hits like Link had....

I briefly gathered all my courage and closed my eyes for a moment as I concentrated completely on myself; Link would have wanted me to succeed, he had been proud of me already, then I should now also finish what I had started.

Determined, I now took the Master Sword in my left hand and kept my right hand ready for when I might have to fight Guardian's and other monsters.

I decided that first of all I should run to Kakariko Village so that I could tell Impa what had happened; then I would leave immediately for Korok Forest so that I could put the Master Sword in its socket there.

I nodded once. That sounded like a good plan, and it would be important for Impa to know what exactly had happened.
Even though I assumed that she would be told what had happened anyway, it would be best if she found out first hand, because really only I knew what had really happened. And Link; but he wasn't there anymore....

I felt tears coming again as I clenched my right hand into a fist and ran towards the Kakariko Bridge, hoping that I would meet Impa there and be able to tell her everything.

But what would happen if Kakariko Village had also been attacked? If the Guardian's had found their way into what should have been a protected village?

I shook off the thought and ran a little faster so that I would arrive at Kakariko Village as soon as possible.

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