16 ~ Vah Medoh

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"Are you guys rested enough now?" we were rudely awakened by Revali suddenly standing in front of us.
Sleepily, my gaze fell to my side, where I could make out Link next to me. He was lying on the floor in the hut, leaning against a large pillow, while he gently held me in his arms. My head was resting on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat.

"Five more minutes," Link murmured as he buried his face in my hair.
" What five minutes?!", Revali now snapped at him as he grabbed him by the arm and yanked him to his feet already. "I thought you were supposed to save Hyrule!"

I began to giggle quietly as I stood up and stretched for a moment.
"Revali's right," I said, yawning, to which Link looked at me in amazement and Revali looked at me in euphoria. "We shouldn't waste any more time."
"That's a reasonable attitude," Revali noted cynically as he jabbed Link in the side with his elbow and then pointed at me.

Briefly, I had to chuckle again as I motioned for the two of them to follow me.
Link immediately closed in on me, but Revali remained skeptical and took a few steps behind us, just close enough that my power still removed the Malice where he walked.
"What's his problem?" Link whispered in my ear as we walked close together.
"I think you scared him yesterday," I answered him honestly, to which Link looked at me dejectedly.
"That wasn't my intention," he replied, somewhat downheartedly. "But I can't control that." Immediately, my attention was drawn.
"Can I ask you what exactly you mean by that?", I tried to inquire carefully as Link smiled softly at me.
"There are situations when I'm not myself," he answered me ashamedly, whereupon he directed his gaze to the ground. "I don't know why, but I'm tired of it!"
Angrily, he clenched his hands into fists as he looked up into the sky.
"Why did you guys save me!" he now shouted to the sky, whereupon he then looked to me, with tears in his eyes. "Why did you save me?"

I gulped as he asked me this question. While I would have expected many things, I would not have expected him to prefer that he die.
"Link...", I continued as I stopped and took his hands in mine. "I wanted to save you because-"
He pulled his hands out of mine and then looked off into the distance. I stood next to him somewhat helplessly, as if ordered and not picked up. What was wrong with him? I tried to explain something to him, to tell him that I wanted to save him because he was important to me, and now he was giving me the cold shoulder again. On top of that, he had become incredibly vocal, and he really didn't do that before he went to the Shrine of Resurrection.

"Link, please listen to me!", I shouted to him as he looked back at me briefly and I could already tell that his eyes were turning red again.
I exhaled audibly. Probably his change of mind was due to that once again; the mystery we had yet to solve, but where we had no idea what it might be.
"I'm sorry," was all I replied as I watched his normal eye color return, and with it, his gentle smile.

"Zelda?" he said my name as I turned to him immediately. "I'm sorry, too."
"You don't have to apologize for not knowing how to handle yourself right now," I made it clear to him as I could see a relieved expression spread across his face. "Just try to stay in control. If it helps you, I'll always be here for you, all right?"
"All right," he answered me with happiness as he came up to me and gave me a quick hug. "I'll do my best."

"Slowly I understand why Hyrule ended up in this predicament in the first place," announced Revali, who was still walking behind us. "If you two have to stop every ten feet and mess around, it's no surprise."
I gave him a chastising look as I turned to Link again.
"Don't let that get to you," I recommended to him. "Whenever you were upset, the red would come out."
Link nodded at me and then took my hand, whereupon we walked together along the path to the village. Revali was still behind us and didn't seem to want to catch up either.

I still didn't know exactly what the reason for Link's change of mind was, but it seemed clear now that it definitely wasn't him. As he had said, he couldn't control it, and in fact he didn't want to do the things that happened then. It comes across as if he is fighting inside against another person who is trying to push themself into the foreground.
But I want to be there for him, especially in these moments. Of course he scares me with his behavior, but he wouldn't kill me, that's what I assumed. However, I do not know what would happen if he would completely lose control; whether he would then go mad or even worse: fall victim to Ganon?

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