23 ~ Attack

45 3 0

"Calamity Ganon!", I shouted towards the castle as I positioned myself in the middle of the plain and clenched my hands into fists. "Today you will be doomed!"

My gaze wandered across the plain for a moment as I sighted the Divine Beasts. They were all still where I had ordered them to be when they made their attack on the Calamity.
They had basically done it, but the Calamity had then taken them over with its evil power.

Briefly, I looked up at the sky, where the Calamity was still billowing over the castle, spread out in a kind of shard. Nothing had changed in the coloring of the sky either, it was still dark and terrifying.

For a moment, I took a deep breath as I looked resolutely toward the castle.
Today I would seal the Calamity; not again would I allow myself to be repulsed. I had to defeat the Calamity today. Not only for me, but for the land; and for Link.

At the thought of Link, I felt the pain in my chest. I was still so incredibly sorry that I had urged him to take the sword. But when I thought about it, we really had had no other chance except to get the sword. It is not called the Legendary Sword for nothing, and it can banish evil. As in the old tales and legends, only the Master Sword can finally banish Ganon. And because of Demise's curse, unfortunately, Ganon always comes back.

I don't know how many legends there were... When my mother was still alive, she told me some again and again, but after her death she couldn't tell me any more. My father had sadly no longer read me stories in the evening, as my mother had always done ...

But now was not the time to reminisce. I had to defeat the Calamity!

Resolutely, I stood on the plain with my back straight as I solidified my stance by standing wide-legged. Then I looked once more at the four Divine Beasts as I closed my eyes in concentration and focused on bundling my power in my hand, then sending it into the Divine Beasts.

In my mind, I replicated the situation around me and imagined my power pouring into the Divine Beasts' openings; all four of them at the same time.
As I could see a glaring light in front of my closed eyes, I was sending it out directly to the Divine Beasts when I heard loud shouting from all four sides and met resistance within the Divine Beasts. Clumsily I fell to the ground, whereupon I caught myself with one hand; the other still bravely stretched into the air with the Sacred Power. In doing so, I simply tried not to be impressed as I continued to exert all of my power on the Divine Beasts and then opened my eyes.

While still having activated my power and sending it to the Divine Beasts, I looked around and could gradually see the Divine Beasts losing their pink coloring.
"Almost there!", I shouted as I focused strongly one last time on the Divine Beasts and the resistances I had encountered inside and then stood up.
I could see my power bundling and little threads of light dancing around the strong tides as they crashed into the Divine Beasts.

Tense and focused, I stretched my hand high into the air one last time as I unleashed a final wave of my power that thundered across the plain. When it reached the Divine Beasts, I could hear it hit their bodies and go inside with a bang. Shortly after, the screaming from the Divine Beasts had faded, and I could see them gradually straightening up and their blue coloring reappearing.

"I did it!", I exclaimed overjoyed as I dropped to my knees and combed my hair back with my hands in disbelief. "I just did it!"
Brimming with happiness, I looked to the Divine Beasts as I heard the old familiar roar of victory from them.

Mischievously, my gaze now once again drifted to the castle and I was about to walk towards it when I suddenly heard voices around me.
"Princess Zelda!" a soft voice called out to me, which seemed very familiar.
I quickly looked around as I could hardly believe my eyes.

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