17 ~ Journey

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"Good morning, Princess," I was gently awakened by Link as he stood up and stretched.
Sleepily, I looked around when I caught sight of Link, who smiled gently at me. I immediately smiled back and scrambled out of bed, whereupon he was already holding out an apple and some wild berries to me.
"In a hurry, huh?", I said giggling as I took the fruit from him and ate it with relish.
"Well," he continued as he sat back down on the bed with me. "I thought we were going to go save Hyrule together."
He leaned back and propped himself up on the bed with both hands while not taking his eyes off me.
"I'll finish my breakfast quickly and then we can go," I suggested to him, to which I took a bite of my apple.
"No stress," he replied immediately as he sat back up in the meantime. "Tell me instead what course you have planned."

I immediately reached for the Sheikah Slate, which I had by now reattached to my waist, and opened the map to show Link.
"We're here," I explained to him, pointing to the Tabantha Bridge Stable as I ran my finger along the path. "And this is where we want to go."
"That means you want to go along the West Hyrule Plains and then through Sanidin Park?" he verified as I nodded at him.
"Exactly," I answered him as I now pointed to Outskirt Stable. "We should definitely get to that point today, and then we can see if we stay there or still have time to travel on."
"Sounds reasonable," he approved of my plan as I also popped the last wild berry into my mouth and stood up.
"We might as well get going now, then."

Link nodded at me with a smile, bringing a smile to my face as well.
He stood up and took our bag of provisions. Briefly, I helped him attach it to his back, since it was actually just a normal tote bag and not a travel bag. I didn't know how, but eventually this stupid bag held onto the weapon strap and onto Link's shoulders as we finally got on our way.
Link still seemed to think the bag was funny with its attachment, because he had laughed and laughed when it had fallen off his shoulders again and I had gotten upset that it had slipped off. Now that the bag was tied tightly around his shoulders, he still joked that it might have fallen off and smirked whenever I turned my gaze to the bag to check.

Our walk went fairly quietly and also very safely.
Meanwhile, Link was trying to piece together memories. This meant that I walked with the Sheikah Slate next to him and kept showing him pictures that I had taken during all our travels together. Some of them were just landscape pictures, like the Hebra Mountains, but there were also personal pictures in there that made me reminisce.

"Is this your room?" Link asked in amazement as I opened a picture that showed me sitting on my bed.
"Yes, this is my room," I answered him as I glanced toward the castle. "Or rather, this was my room."
Link flicked to the next picture, which also showed me; this time in my Study, researching a Silent Princess.
"Your flower?" he inquired, to which I nodded and he marveled. "It's incredibly pretty..."
I smiled at him. "It's very rare, so it's considered an endangered species," I explained to him, whereupon he looked at me in even more amazement. "But after the outbreak of Malice..."
"There are none left, right?" he pointed out, and I nodded.
There would probably only be pictures and drawings of this flower, because I assumed they had all dried up on the mud of Malice.
"Too bad," he replied now, as he turned his gaze into the distance. "Too happy would I have been to see such a flower with my own eyes."
"Theoretically, you have seen them," I replied to him as I again referred to the picture in the Sheikah Slate. "You took the pictures."
"But if I can't remember anything, that doesn't help me," he replied honestly, smiling wryly at me. "But I guess there's nothing you can do about that."

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We had arrived at Sanidin Park by now, and had sat down on the wall of the fountain there to take a little break.
Link had just taken an apple and some blueberries and offered me wild berries, when his eyes suddenly widened and he stood up without saying anything and walked towards the horse statue.

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