19 ~ Mipha

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We had almost crossed the Hylia River when Urbosa approached Link and me, leaning against each other as we enjoyed the peace and quiet, recovering from all the traveling.
"I see you're both doing just fine?" she asked us, then winked at me, whereupon I could feel the blush rise to my face.
"We're enjoying the rest," Link announced in a relaxed voice and then leaned his head against the wall behind him.
"You've earned your rest," Urbosa informed us, then stroked my hair once before heading back to the control unit, leaving Link and me alone.

Earlier we had been together at her control unit and I had told her all that had already happened. I was glad that I could get rid of all that. Of course I could talk to Link about all these things too, but to talk to Urbosa about such things was something completely different.
She was like a secondary mom to me.... Especially after my mother suddenly passed away when I was six years old.

"What are you thinking about right now?", Link asked me carefully, snapping me out of my thoughts.
For a moment, I wondered if I should really tell him all this. Sure, I had told him all this before, but his memories of it were lost, just like everything I had entrusted to him.... Actually, he couldn't remember any of it, but I could; and that made it even more painful.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked over at him and saw him sitting there; totally clueless.
"I was thinking about my mom," I replied to him, noticing a tear sliding down my cheek.
"I didn't mean to bother you, I-" he replied quickly and I could see how he was visibly uncomfortable with the situation. "I'm sorry."
"It's all right," I brought out through tears as I looked into his eyes and could see the pure cluelessness in his face that tore at my heart.
"A few weeks ago, there-", I continued as he turned to me listening intently. "A few weeks ago, I told you all this already."

I could see a flood of sadness overtake his face as he moved a little closer to me.
"I'm so sorry I don't remember any of it," he replied sincerely, then gently took my hand in his. "Would you tell me again, then?"

With a gentle look, he waited for me to answer. With tears in my eyes, I smiled at him as I snuggled a little closer and began to tell.
Just like then, I began with the death of my mother, which had been hard for me to cope with, and that I had then fallen into a deep hole, from which I had difficulty getting out again. My father had never really supported me, but he was the one who urged me to continue praying at the springs, now that my mother and thus the woman who was supposed to pass on the Sacred Power to me had died.

I also told him that the bard of my family became one of my best friends; Sogha. He was the one who had brought me out of that deep hole I had fallen into after Mother died. Together with him I explored ancient relics and my father allowed it, although he only ever wanted me to try to awaken my power at the springs.

With Urbosa I had found my second mom and she was usually the one who accompanied me to the springs so that I didn't have to go alone. On the same time she was the queen of the Gerudo and continued her education by studying with the Divine Beast Vah Naboris. When I thought back on it, Urbosa had had a lot on her shoulders during that time, and in retrospect I was incredibly sorry that I had cost her so much time. But I had often brought it up with her and she always told me that she liked doing that; that she was doing it for me and for my mother, who looked down on us from above in heaven and watched my way through life.

I told him about the day he became my attendend knight and his eyes widened because he couldn't quite remember everything.
I told him that we had quite a bit of trouble with each other in the beginning.
"You had always reminded me of my failure," I confessed to him as he smiled sadly at me. "You were able to fulfill your destiny, while I never could until recently."
Without saying anything, Link pulled me closer to him so that I was now sitting in his lap. Carefully, he wrapped his legs around me, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist; but I was in no way angry with him. Instead, I pressed myself against his chest and pulled him into a tight hug, whereupon he put his arms around my waist too.
"But we don't seem to be having any more trouble," he murmured in my ear, which gave me goosebumps.
"No, we're getting along really well now," I replied, hugging him tightly once more. "You've become important to me."

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