18 ~ Urbosa

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"For Goddess Hylia's sake!", I yelled at Link just as a Vicious Sickle whizzed past my face by a hair's breadth. "There's more of them!"
Link quickly pulled me close by my wrist as I was struck again.
"You seem to be really popular," Link intoned as he pushed me behind his back and now held his sword protectively in front of us.
I had meanwhile held my small sword protectively in front of me as well, while our opponents slowly circled us.

But we had been so careful!
After we had left this morning at the Gerudo Canyon Stable, everything had been still in order, but later, when we were past the Kara Kara Bazaar, suddenly they all appeared!
Countless Yiga shot towards the two of us and attacked us; completely from ambush. I still didn't know where they had all come from in the beginning, and especially how they had found us in the first place! We hadn't done anything flashy to draw attention to ourselves. But fortunately Link reacted quickly and was able to turn away the Yiga rushing towards us. Nevertheless, we had just been surrounded by them again, and this time there seemed to be no way out either.

"On the count of three, you crouch down, all right?" Link shouted at me as I looked at him in confusion, but then nodded and gave him all my trust.
"Okay!" he shouted as he swung his sword to his right. "One!"
Panicked, I held my sword in front of me as the Yiga came closer and closer and there were still more.
"Two!" he roared, slowly swinging his sword out.
He wasn't going to... was he?

"Three!" he now shouted, at which I immediately bent down and he hurled back over my head all the Yiga around us with a spinning attack.
I kept my head lowered, making sure he wouldn't hit me, when I already felt his hand on my wrist and he yanked me to my feet.
"Let's go!" he commanded, and ran with me toward Gerudo Town, never once letting go of my hand.

More and more Yiga appeared behind us, and I tried to distract myself with the path ahead, which was also besieged all over by Yiga.
"Link, where to?", I asked him completely out of breath as he was actually running way too fast for me.
"Gerudo Town," he replied curtly. "Urbosa."
I nodded and grabbed his hand even tighter so I wouldn't fall to the ground; my sword still firmly in my hand.

Link and I ran as fast as we could across the hot sands of the desert, but the Yiga were catching up.
"Why the hell are they so fast?" it escaped Link, having already had to fight off a Yiga that had gotten after him.
"I don't know," I answered honestly, and then pushed another Yiga aside with my elbow. "But they'll surround us again."
Link stopped abruptly, at which point I collided with him and looked around a little confused.
"Keep running!", I yelled at him as I took his hand and tried to drag him further towards the town, but he didn't move a bit.

"Zelda, do something," he urged me as he dropped the sword to the ground. "Please Zelda, do something!" he now yelled as he knelt on the floor and pressed his hands to his temples.
"Link!", I shrieked hysterically, at which point I dropped to the ground with him and put both hands on his shoulders. "What's wrong?!"
"Do... something..." he stuttered as he eyed me over his shoulder. "DO SOMETHING!"

Startled, I watched his eyes turn red as he also pressed his hands against his pain-distorted face again.
"I don't know what to do!", I admitted screaming as he took my right hand in his with all his energy and stretched it in the air.
"My power?" it escaped me as I looked around at the Yiga, who were now only inches away from us.

I was supposed to use my Sacred Power? But I have never used it on humans, what if I killed them? What if I were to kill everyone present here with it?
"I can't," it escaped me, to which Link just looked up at me. "I could kill them!"
I could see that Link's eyes had now almost completely taken on their red hue as he took my hand again and raised it even further into the air.
" Fucking hell! I don't care if you kill them all!" he yelled at me as he glared at me angrily. "After all, they want to kill us too! Now fucking jump over your shadow and use your fucking power!"

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