13 ~ Calamity

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I didn't know how long I had been walking and how far I still had to go, but I knew that I was getting closer and closer to my goal of defeating Ganon.
When I had left the Military Training Camp, I had quite quickly come across the Malice, which I could not enter. But just as Hilda told me, I could easily make my way there with my Sacred Power, because once I used my Sacred Power and the energy flowed through my body, I could simply walk over the Malice. In the process, I left only gentle footprints, which were immediately sealed behind me again by the Malice.
I was more than happy that this worked and that I could make my way without leaving any footprints at all. Even better was that I could use the Sacred Power without thinking much about it. This meant that I was actually using my power subconsciously and therefore didn't have to think about it when I used it, which gave me a huge advantage.
But there was one thing that concerned me... and that was Hilda.

She didn't want to come with me, even though I could have easily included her in my Sacred Power, since I could influence the radius of my power. But she insisted that she would stay at the Military Training Camp and see what was going on there. I didn't like that, but I also didn't want to force her to do anything. Fortunately, she had saved my life, so I was infinitely grateful to her; you could say that only because of her did Hyrule still had a chance, since she had saved me from Malice.

While I was on my way to the castle, my thoughts circled around the Calamity as well as Link at the same time. How would Calamity Ganon behave and how would it be fought? How would Link feel when I took him out of the Shrine of Resurrection? Would the world ever be the same again?
I couldn't answer all of these questions for myself, but I was almost certain that all of this mucking about with the slime of Malice was coming from Ganon. Ganon had to have his fingers in the pie, because otherwise this would never have happened. But how exactly did he do this? How did his dark power get to the Master Sword or pedestal, creating a huge dilemma? How did it get there in the first place?
The sword spirit spoke very little to me, and that was all just information about the next action steps and Link's condition. But could it be that evil had been slumbering in the Master Sword long before our time? That it was just waiting to be released to now usurp the land of Hyrule? That the remnants of evil were only waiting for the sword spirit to grow too weak?

I kept approaching the castle until I finally stood directly in front of the great gate that led to Castle Town. I clenched my hands into fists and bravely took a few steps forward to face the Calamity.
When I had already arrived at the large fountain in the middle, I saw the Calamity rising around the castle. Without flinching, I watched this spectacle, determined that I would seal this Calamity today. Nothing could stop me now, because I had managed to unleash my Sealing Power and would also use it for this with a clear conscience!

The Calamity, looking like a black cloud with purple accents and creepy, bloodthirsty eyes, circled the castle roaring as the earth shook beneath my feet; but I remained standing.
I watched as the Calamity rose, far above Hyrule Castle, when suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the spire, filling the gloomy sky with light. The Calamity roared again and now struck in my direction. Aiming unerringly, it shot towards me as I already held out my hand, waiting for the Calamity to hit my hand.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as I felt the pressure the Calamity was exerting on my hand. My Sacred Power surrounded me with a bright yellow light, after which I only heard the Calamity begin to scream.
"That's what I wanted to hear!", I shouted towards the massive monster as it disappeared all of a sudden, causing me to lose my balance for a moment.
"What...?" it escaped me as the Calamity now wrapped itself around Hyrule Castle again, leaving a cloud of black smoke in its wake. I could neither see nor hear what was happening now; the smoke and the screaming of the Calamity made it impossible. Protectively, I activated my Sacred Power and surrounded myself with a shield of light as the vision cleared with time and I heard footsteps.

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