24 ~ Last fight

71 4 0

As I fell to the two into the depths, I concentrated on awakening my power and intercepting myself with it.
I focused intently on creating a kind of cloud of light on the ground and landing softly on it. I quickly squinted my eyes as I awaited the crash as I landed quite gracefully on the ground.

I opened my eyes again and could then see the light of my power swirling around me as it disappeared altogether and I looked into two bloodthirsty eyes.
In front of me, Calamity Ganon rose once again as it screamed, followed by Malice running out of its mouth like water.

I suppressed a gag and continued to hold the Calamity in my sight as I searched for Link in the hall we had fallen into. He had to be here somewhere, and I didn't want him to ambush me again.

Tensely, I looked around, but I couldn't see him anywhere.
My gaze once again diverted to the Calamity as it got even closer and I panicked, raising my light shield as I still scanned the room for Link.

Since it was generally dark in the hall, it wasn't very easy to spot a Hylian. On top of that, Link was plunged into darkness when he took the Master Sword. This made him almost invisible in the dark room, which was lit only by the pale beam of light from the hole in the ceiling.

The Calamity was still coming closer to me as I kept running backwards, hoping that I could gain more time that way. But I found that my back was already against the wall.
As the Calamity came closer and closer, but I had no way to dodge it, it lashed out at me with its huge claws, whereupon I skillfully blocked this attack with my light shield, thus throwing the Calamity back a bit.

I immediately took the opportunity to run around the Calamity when I finally spotted Link. He had sat down on the back of the Calamity from behind and his gaze did not deviate from me once; it seemed as if he had only been waiting for the right moment to attack me.

Before I could say anything else, he already came sprinting towards me as I quickly dodged his attack. As a result, he almost collided with the wall as he angrily turned back to me.
"You think you can play games with me," he hissed at me as he swung at me with his sword and I blocked it with my shield. " But that' s where you cut yourself!"
He shot at me again, stabbing with his sword now as the blade of the sword brushed along my thigh and dug into my flesh.
"You bitch!", I screamed at him as I fell to the ground and directed a charge of my Sacred Power at him; to no avail.

"Did I hurt you?" he replied cynically, as by now he was standing in front of me again, holding the sword threateningly in my face once more. "Can Princess Powerless not fight now? Because of a little ache?"
With a battle cry, I directed my power at him again, to which he merely dodged boredly.
"Is that all you've got?" he teased as I gritted my teeth and then stood up.
" Oh I do, believe me," I replied to him angrily as I clenched my power in my hand.
"A light show, how nice!" he teased again as he propped the Master Sword on the ground in front of him and then leaned on it.
"The greatest light show of your life," I countered as the ball of light between my hands was already beginning to crackle. "Watch closely."

Link made no sign of moving as I heard the Calamity behind me and in response directed all the power I had just gathered at Link, lighting up the entire hall. I also heard the Calamity behind me begin to scream, as it then fell silent as well. A quick glance over my shoulder told me that it had already been defeated, because it was lying on the ground and no longer moving.

My gaze once again shifted to Link, who stood in front of me, completely unimpressed.
"A beautiful light," he replied, while still leaning on the Master Sword, looking in my direction. "Unfortunately, it knocked the socks off the Calamity. Too bad."
Startled, I looked over my shoulder as it began to explode behind me, causing the Devastation to slowly dissipate.
"Too bad..." it escaped Link again, as I still stared, mesmerized, at the disintegrating corpse of the Calamity.

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