22 ~ Backlash

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I couldn't believe it, Link had fallen completely under Ganon's control! But had it been Ganon's plan to take Link over? Or was it a coincidence? Why right now?
Maybe I should never have told him to take the Master Sword! It was just a stupid idea, surely I could have expected the Malice to transfer to him then, when he was already having trouble controlling himself anyway!

"I'm just a miserable princess!", I cried through my tears as I dropped to the ground and landed on the muddy floor of the forest. "Nothing I do is right, I always make the wrong choices!"
Crying, I propped myself up off the ground and then sat on the ground as I covered my face with my hands, shaking.

I couldn't believe what had happened.... I just couldn't process it.
But I shouldn't give up now, should I? Link would have expected me to save the land and I had also promised to save him; I had to be strong for him now.
Who knew what he would have to go through now? Was he even aware of anything anymore or was he like shut down? It didn't matter, I should just hurry up and get to Hyrule Field as fast as I could.

Determined, I stood up and looked back toward the Great Hyrule Forest once more.
"I will save you, Link," I whispered to myself and then put my hand on my heart. "Stay strong, I will save you."

Immediately I started running, my target the castle.
Even though Link was no longer by my side now, I should still be able to execute our plan. Theoretically, everything would still work, only the last step was missing in which Link destroyed the Calamity with the Master Sword.
But maybe I could seal the Calamity and buy us some more time, so that I could free Link and then we could dare the last step together. I just had to hope that this plan would work.

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By now, I had arrived at Hyrule Field when I exhaled in relief. All the Divine Beasts were here and they were all glowing blue, which meant they must still be completely untouched by the Malice.
Briefly, my gaze wandered to each of the Divine Beasts standing here on the plain. Vah Naboris stood on the side of Lanayru Wetlands, while Vah Ruta had positioned himself by Lake Hylia. Vah Medoh was hovering over the Hyrule Ridge, and I spotted Vah Rudania at the edge of the Great Hyrule Forest.

I briefly took another deep breath and exhaled, as I stood on the Sacred Ground and then sent a bright beam of light of my Sacred Power to the sky and thus signaled to the Champions that I was ready to attack.
Immediately, the four Divine Beasts shouted and bawled, and all of them began to move and gather around the castle. Concentrating, I watched as they all took their positions and then, with another battle cry, squatted on the ground and prepared to attack.

My eyes fell on Vah Naboris, who dropped to the ground on the Mabe Prairie and then stretched her head towards the castle.
When I could see that they were all ready, I again sent my power into the sky, whereupon they all directed their deadly beams at the castle at the same time. Immediately, I could hear the screams of Calamity as it rose once again around the castle and continued to be attacked by the Divine Beasts.

Fascinated, I watched the Calamity loll in the air under the Divine Beasts' attack, when suddenly everything happened very quickly and I backed away, startled.

The Calamity enlarged and then exploded as the entire sky turned a dark black and blue in one fell swoop and the Calamity lay in shards over the castle like a giant cloud. Only the energy beams of the DIvine Beasts still illuminated the sky.

Cautiously, I pulled myself up without taking my eyes off the spectacle in front of me.
Whatever had just happened there, the Calamity must have been weakened at that very moment. Accordingly, I had to seize the chance now!

Immediately I ran off, but I did not come far, when I heard wild screaming from the Divine Beasts and looked around thereupon alarmed.
With my mouth open, I stared in the direction of the castle as I witnessed unbelievable dimensions; the energy beams from the Divine Beasts had vanished and instead there were nasty red and black swaths running to each of the Divine Beasts as my gaze wandered to Vah Naboris as she simply toppled to the side and then lost her blue coloring.
"What's going on here?" it escaped me, aghast, as I walked toward Vah Naboris.

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