15 ~ Revali

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Together with Link, I searched Rito Village for any sign of Revali, but found no one. The Divine Beast Vah Medoh was sitting at the very top of the rock that formed the cornerstone of the village and was covered in Malice at the claws. Link searched every inch of the village, but we just couldn't find anything.

"It's no use," Link groaned as he supported himself off the ground with one hand and stood up. "There's no one here."
Unsatisfied, I looked at him. "They must have fled when the Malice overtook them. They won't just be gone."
Link nodded as I could suddenly see his eyes begin to sparkle.
"I have another idea," he put in, whereupon he pointed his finger already in the direction of the Flight Range. "If they're not there, then I don't know what else to do."

Basically, he wasn't wrong, after all, that would be a place where the Malice couldn't get to; the Rito had updrafts there, and as far as we knew, the Malice could only infest land.
But it is questionable whether the Ritos were still hovering there in the air. Even if they were updrafts, it must have become exhausting after the days. It was worth a try, though.

"Then we should go," I answered him with a slightly forced smile. "We shouldn't waste time, even though there might not be anyone there."
Link came closer to me now, then held out the Sheikah Slate.
"Here, I think you'll need this," he explained as I accepted it. "I brought it from the Shrine of Resurrection, because you used to carry it with you. It should therefore be returned to its rightful owner."
I accepted the Sheikah Slate with a smile as I unceremoniously turned it on and looked at its functions.

It seemed to me that the connection with the Shrine of Resurrection had not erased any data. Purah and Robbie had suspected this, since the Shrine of Resurrection was unexplored, so after the Sword Spirit said Link would lose his memories, I assumed the same would be the case with the Sheikah Slate.
But all the better! I knew that I had a binocular function on the Sheikah Slate, which worked really well. Maybe I could...

"What are you trying?" Link asked curiously as I held the Sheikah Slate with the binocular function toward the Flight Range.
"A few weeks after you became my attended knight, that's when we tried the Sheikah Slate together," I explained as I zoomed in on the Flight Range. "You had found a feature. That was the binoculars."
"Me?" he asked in amazement as he now stood behind me to look at the screen as well. "How did I do that?"
A slight giggle escaped me as I answered him.
"You just threw it into the grass out of frustration, whereupon the binoculars opened."
Link contorted his face in amusement. "Out of frustration?"
"Exactly," I answered him with a soft laugh. "After that, you searched for the button like a maniac and found it."
"I'm a genius," he now praised himself, whereupon he began to laugh.

I smiled happily at him as I looked again at the Sheikah Slate and turned my gaze to the Flight Range. Briefly, I breathed a startled sigh of relief as I heard Link marvel behind me. What I had spotted was clearly Revali, who was gliding around on the updrafts.
"That can't be," I stated, startled, and looked around at Link, who just shrugged his shoulders.
"Revali is pretty enduring and strong, he might have actually lasted that long," he explained to me quickly. "But what's the fastest way to get there?"
His question was valid. But I knew of no other way than to walk all the way back across the bridges and then head to the Flight Range.
"I don't know," I confessed to him honestly. "Probably all the way back and then toward the Flight Range."

Now Link looked at me inquiringly.
"Princess, if you'll allow it, I'd paraglide over from the highest point in the village," he offered, at which point I felt my cheeks redden.
Princess was what Link had used to call me; before he had lost his memories. It had kind of become a way of talking between us that he started calling me princess; not because I was the princess, but because he thought it was cute. I never thought it was a bad thing either, in fact I liked it....

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