Eerily Calm Voices

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Chapter 1.
[Now Playing: Coffee Breath by Sofia Mills]

His phone was ringing, Sapnap groaning as he turned over in bed, letting it ring for a minute. The phone stopped ringing, Sapnap giving a content sigh as he relaxed back into his pillow, bleary eyes reopening as the phone rang again, sweeping over his cream colored walls, red and orange sheets, and finally, the black case of his phone, a small flame design on the back of it that had become his signature thing. The phone's ringing becoming more persistent it seemed, Sapnap sighing before picking it up and answering with a tired 'Hello?'

"Hello, is this Nicholas?" The voice on the other end of the call came, Sapnap grimacing before nodding, then remembering that they couldn't see him,
"Uhm yep!" Sapnap said, his voice tinted with worry. God he hated when people called him Nicholas, only his father had called him that..

"This is the Saint Hope hospital, we would like to know what relation did you had with Karl Jacobs?" The voice asked patiently, their voice almost eerily calm. Sapnap frowned, doctors seemed to always were so serious and calm it could be off-putting at times to him, it was less comfortable.

"I am his boyfriend, and why do you keep using past-tense did something happen to him?" Sapnap questioned in return, his voice beginning to show more and more of the anxiety he was feeling.

"Well, he was in a car crash. He had a grave injury to his head which we believe caused permanent damage to his memory. He is incredibly lucky to have survived the car crash with only memory issues." The doctor explained in their irritating monotone voice, Sapnap slightly calming himself to ignore the annoyance that was beginning to take root before he realized the words.

"D-does he remember me?" Sapnap said, fearful to ask and not sure he wanted the answer.

"He doesn't seem to remember anyone besides a select few family members and another man who claimed to have met him during his trip." The doctor replied, almost sounding scripted.

(Book logic goes brrrrrr)

"When... when did it happen?"

"Around month ago, 29 days to be exact."

"Wh-what?" Sapnap stammers, his voice cracked and confused.

"I'm sorry sir." The doctor spoke, their voice patronizingly monotone.

"Why wasn't I told immediately?" He groaned into his hands as he realized he wouldn't be getting any actual sympathy from the doctor.


He should've just gone on the trip, maybe then... Sapnap shook his head, ridding himself of the thought like a dog ridding itself of water, the thoughts continuing to creep up.

It should've been you.

Useless little bitch

Fucking idiot you can't even get him back now.

He didn't love you anyways, if he did he would've remembered you.

His breath hitched, he could already feel the tears collecting in the bottom of his eye threatening to fall.

"Sir?" The doctors voice came again,
"Y-yeah?" Sapnap tried choked back his sobs, the tears silently falling down his cheek.

"Erm.. I will need you to call back later, or be put on hold for a bit because I am having to go take care of one of my patients. I'm sorry for your lo- I really am sorry." The doctor's voice seemed to have more sympathy in it this time, least they weren't a complete dick just only mostly insensitive, Sapnap thought through the flood of negative and haunting thoughts.

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