The Sleepy Field View

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Chapter 24.
[Now Playing: Constellations by Duster]


Tommy sat out in the empty field, brushing his bloodied fingers over the soft blades of grass, his back was up against a large tree on the hill, its twisted branches providing shade for him from the sun's berating beams. Tommy sighed as he took off his gaze from the grass, looking at his thighs which he had covered in cuts and scratches, some deeper and bloodier than others from when he'd gotten frustrated they wouldn't bleed. He enjoyed watching the pricks of blood appear and slowly trail down his skin like a morbid river.

It was times like these that he couldn't tell if he was just dead inside or calm, for Tommy felt absolutely nothing but joy at the numerous cuts that lined both his thighs, he always avoided cutting on his wrists ever since he'd gotten sent to a therapist when Wilbur had noticed a few on his wrists. He'd hated going to therapy, it was just another way an adult would tell him everything he needed to fix and what was wrong with him. He already knew what was wrong with him, and he also knew that there was no going back now

He pulled his shorts down further so they covered the fresh cuts, he felt a sharp pain as the fabric made contact with the exposed skin and ignored it, deciding to just pull out his phone and answer some of the hundred messages he'd gotten, even though he had only been out for a few hours, he guesses he never announced he was leaving, nor did he answer any of the calls, so maybe they had reason to panic and call him that much, but the spamming was unnecessary if you asked Tommy.

It was Tommy's job to spam his friends until they answered after all, not theirs.


Tommy what do you want for dinner?


Ill just have Dad get your regular

Tommy where the hell are you.

dad is getting worried come back, please.
Im really worried about you too can you just come back?

Hey big W dw I was just taking a walk, i had turned off my phone

Tommy frowned, deciding that just answering Wil, for now, would be good enough to tell, he'd probably go tell Dad anyways, and Techno most likely wasn't even worried so problem solved. He stared down at the message, rereading it over and over, for some reason, the message just didn't feel right. It felt as if it was the last message he'd ever send, it just felt off, it didn't seem like it had any emotion or care into the words. Like he was just done with life and a simple little message only pushed him even closer to the cliff.

Tommy sighed and pushed himself up from the grass, his vision blurring and dotting, Tommy only groaned in irritation, used to all of the issues he'd gained from dehydration.

New Message From "Tubzo":
Toms im serious.

Tommy ran his fingers through his hair, that didn't sound good, especially not from Tubbo. Tubbo's lectures were some of the worst, and he figured it'd be better to be berated now since he was in the mood to just take it.


Wil sid you havet been amswering, hury up n reply before he drives ervetone else isane..

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