Black Hair-Bands

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Chapter 10.
[Now Playing: Lucky by Jason Mraz]


Sapnap could feel a grin making its way into his lips as he walked into the house, it felt more like home than his actual home he'd begun to realize.

Purpled glancing over and mirroring Sapnap's smile, Punz greeting them as they walked back into the kitchen.
"Oh Sapnap I didn't realize you grew out your hair." Punz remarked as their gaze remained trained on the dark brown locks which fell down to his neck. Sapnap giving a small shrug, examine Punz's tied up blonde hair and their eyebrow slit, especially the eyebrow slit.. He wanted one of those since he was about thirteen...

"Yeah I've been growing it out for a year or more now. Been wanting to put it it a bun or something but kinda a bitch to do yourself." Sapnap sighed, still looking at Punz's eyebrow, small prickles jealousy of it rising up.

"Do you want me to put it up for you? I mean it really is really hard to do it yourself..." Punz's voice drifted off as Sapnap began nodding excitedly. Purpled let out an awkward cough, looking between the other two like it was a ping pong match.

"Oh hey Purp, can you grab me some of the hair bands from the bathroom?" Punz asked, sitting down on the couch with their legs crossed. Purpled nodding, seemingly happy to get away from the others.

"Punz?" Sapnap spoke as he sat next to Punz, facing them.
"Yeah?" Punz asked as they hummed the lyrics to some song Sapnap didn't know or just couldn't recognize.
"Can you give me an eyebrow slit too? I've always wanted one but never had the stuff to get it." Sapnap grimacing as he realized Punz probably wouldn't even- his thoughts cut off by Punz.

"Hell yeah bro!" Punz said with a grin,
"Here Punz," Purpled interrupted, handing over a plain black hair-band, Punz placing it around his wrist like a bracelet, making it one of the many little bracelets adorned on each of their wrists. Small basic leather ones and a rainbow loom one which in particular caught Sapnap's eye.

While Sapnap never had one of those 'making and selling loom-bracelet' phases, he had definitely bought a bunch of them when he was younger, or tried to sabotage the 'businesses' kids he didn't like made. But then he had to move away and that was all taken away, but at least he'd made a few new friends like Purpled or.... Karl.

Sapnap's body began to tense at the memory, Punz noticing almost immediately.
"Hey you alright dude?" Punz asked as Sapnap's gaze came up and met theirs, Sapnap faking a smile and nodding,

"Okay if you say so... You want a bun then right?" Punz asked as they messed with the band on his wrist,
"Yep! I think I could do a ponytail on my own but buns are way to much of a bitch." Sapnap sighed softly, a grin still playing on his lips.

"True, now turn around."  Punz said, Sapnap doing as told, shivering as he felt Punz's knees brush up against his back. Holy fucking hell your really touch deprived, Sapnap thought as he repressed a laugh at himself.

(Does anyone else do that whenever you experience human contact??  I hope I'm not the only one then that'd be super awkward..)

Punz didn't seem to notice at least, too busy brushing their fingers through Sapnap's hair gently as he took out a few knots so it would be easier to put in a bun, which was enough to make Sapnap's brain melt into a small puddle of euphoria at the human touch he probably hasn't had since Karl left, the only other touch being accidental or from his father which.. didn't really count...

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