The Right Ring

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Bonnie Steele
I look at the band on my finger and take it off as quickly as I tried it on my finger. I can't look at Anastasia as I think about my marriage to Raymond Steele. The ring is a cheap one. Ray couldn't afford much and most went to the hospital bills for giving birth to Anastasia Rose Steele. Mother's are supposed to have instincts to protect their young, I can't stand the sight of my baby. I am leaving the first moment I can. Ray can take care of Anastasia. At sixteen I just don't think I can be a proper mother. Raymond is a very mature sixteen year old. His mother Carla wasn't thrilled about the baby, but decided we could make it work. Raymond works as well as goes to high school. I slip the ring off my finger and put it with things I have left for Ray. I signed my rights over to him and put his name on the birth certificate. In truth I have no idea which of the five men are actually Anastasia's father. I was pretty active sexually, my birth control failed on me at some point and I told all five of the guys, but Raymond was the only one who decided to take responsibility of it.
Carla Steele
I watch as Bonnie walks out of the hospital with her suitcase and purse. She catches a bus and that was the last time I saw her. I finally go to her room and find a note and her wedding ring along with documents signing away right# to Anastasia to Raymond. I see the birth certificate along with everything else.
Raymond Steele
I see mom looking at a stack of documents and she notices me standing there and hands me the documents and the wedding ring I bought Bonnie. I read the documents and see a divorce paper to sign as well. Mom told me to count my blessings and consider the baby a gift from God to me for being such a good person. We both doubted Anastasia was my child from the day Bonnie told us about being pregnant. But mom and I decided to take advantage of the situation and here we are. I have full custody of Anastasia thanks to the thorough papers that Bonnie had drawn up. I look at the angelic face of the blue eyed brunette baby girl with roses cheeks. Anastasia Rose definitely fits her name wise a little princess with roses cheeks. I made sure we had everything prepared at home for the new baby. Money was tight and my school took priority to my mom. My dad left mom and I when I was ten, so we had to keep every penny we could spare for a rainy day. A month after Anastasia came home from the hospital, we got news that my dad was killed in an industrial accident and mom and I got a settlement from the company. A million dollars each. Not long after we got the money some woman came to our door demanding we give her the settlement money. Of course we didn't give her a dime. My mom and dad had never divorced and mom was considered his widow not this woman. We called an attorney and he explained everything to us. He said if there had been more children they would have settled with them as well. Someone living with a married man wasn't considered in the settlement. The cops had to finally insist she leave us alone. She tried to sue us for the money and the courts threw it out as a frivolous suit. We finally got a restraining order from the courts. She finally stopped bothering us. Mom and I fixed up the house and bought a good used car and a truck. I started a repair shop and was able to get my high school degree early and started college. I am an architect and can design furniture as well. I opened a shop and did all kinds of various pieces of furniture along with working as an architect. Mom passed away and left me with my six year old to care for by myself. Anastasia learned to cook the basics from my mom. I found a babysitter for Anastasia.

Madison Trevelyan
Grace finally brought a beau around and he definitely has his future set. Theodore told me to get ready because that young man has marriage thoughts about our only daughter.
When Carrick Grey called me after our supper, I had a feeling he was serious about Grace. He asked for her hand in marriage before he asked me if I could get his blessing. Madison was all for it, but I wanted to know how he planned to provide for her future. She was going to a pediatric surgeon and it was going to cause them money for further schooling for both of them. I didn't tell him Grace had scholarships and most of her school was paid for by the time. They had a very nice wedding in our apple orchard. It was beautiful. Maddie was with her when she bought he wedding dress and chose a dress to wear as well. They bought a dress for the maid of honor. Ray built the archway and added the flowers to it.
I finally married Grace and we flew to Paris for our honeymoon. We both have jobs waiting for us when we get back from our honeymoon. Everything was beautiful and it was a gift from Grace's parents. I joined a firm knowing I would be there a long time before I became a partner and eventually owned the firm outright.
Everything was great at the wedding and then we flew to Paris. We came back to an apartment near our work. I started long hours at Seattle Grace hospital. Carrick worked long hours at his job as well. Luckily we had no plans to become parents right away. Carrick has no family and my parents want me settled in my new job and Carrick as well. We bought a place with a lot of land on the sound and found a young new architect that was just starting out after we had Mia after the boys. We had Elliott and Christian two years apart and finally six years later we were able to buy a fixer upper on the sound and it had a lot of land. So we hired this new architect because he was also an excellent carpenter as well. He had a little baby girl himself. He was pretty young to be an architect. So he had everything done and the construction company built everything he designed and built in the designs a way to expand the home without much troubles.
I got a break by designing the Grey home. The house and land they bought was a real headache as a fixer upper. The dock had to be taken apart and built again, so I designed a boathouse as well. Then they needed a pool house built after putting a pool in their backyard.

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