Stanton Corporate Offices

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I had to return to New York after a month in Seattle. Tia and I spent a lot time at her place and I met her parents. I don't really tell my friends much about me except that I have degrees and what they are in, so they don't really question me much on anything else. Tia is starting a company with her sister in laws. Even if she is sister to Christian Grey and Elliott Grey, I was at first thinking she was looking for a wealthy husband to take care of her like her family does. I realized soon after she was not one to sit on her laurels and expect to be supported. Even though she got help from her family, she did her share of getting her company up and running and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty and became very involved in building her branding along with both sisters in laws. Anastasia and Kate were very involved. Anastasia helped her obtain a building and the designs to assure it was successful. I tried to get her to sell one patent to me, but she knew the potential earnings and pretty much told me that much. Tia told me that Christian can't even get them from her and he is her husband.
I miss Louis a lot and we have not restricted each other from dating others since we are both having fun and he is very busy running his families businesses. So when news of us being out with others hits the papers, we ignore them completely. So when reports of him proposing to his long time girlfriend was brought to my attention by Kate, I was pretty upset and refused to take calls from him. I just decide it is a life lesson and nothing more and throw myself into working harder and harder on all the clothing designs Anastasia has been sending us.
When Kate told me about the photos of Louis and a long time girlfriend getting engaged. I told Kate to find out if the story was true. My company is getting huge and the clothing lines are getting well known. Kate and Tia are the ones who the picked the designer names. Katia was the designer label they choose. A blend of all of our names. Ka for Kate Ti for Tia and A for Anastasia. Grace was one of the first customers and we made sure she had the best and in various styles and colors. Enid was supporting her daughters new business. Mia of course was wearing things we created especially for her. Then we created baby clothing to her unique style. That put Katia on the map in New York. People wanted to have clothing made by Katia and the company started growing and I had them use my profits to expand the business and hire more staff. Tia soon forgot about Louis, but he never forgot her.
Charon Duncan set me up for a photo op and I can't get Tia to call me back. I don't know how and it won't happen again. But somehow Charon was able to drop a Tiffany box near my foot and I leaned to puck it up and opened the box up and it was an engagement ring and she somehow got me to slip it on her finger and the next thing I see is me placing the damn ring on Charon's finger and it was all over the news. In reality I was there buying her company from her and nothing else. She of course was unavailable for comments. I on the other hand was put in a bad situation and I couldn't believe she set me up. Now I have to keep my mouth shut until the sale of her company goes through. I can't say anything until thirty days are up. So I can't say the real reason for our meeting and the documents are completed. No one can be told about this. I hate Charon. I don't want to lose Tia over that spoiled rich brat.
Charon Duncan
After finding out that Louis inherited his parents companies and all their properties I decided to win him back. I used the sale if my parents company as an excuse to talk to him. We worked out a deal, while I worked on getting an engagement ring ready from Tiffany and co. He was so easy to set up. I knew he was seeing someone in Seattle and figured if the press got a photo of him slipping on the engagement ring it would break them up. It worked perfectly, he left message after message to get me to clearly tell the press that we weren't engaged. I refused to answer any of his calls saying I was out if the country.
I finally got on my jet and flew to Seattle, unfortunately Tia was in New York at a fashion show they set up for new lines of clothing. What I didn't know was that Charon got an invitation from a friend of hers so she could gloat and lie about being engaged to me. Had I known what a horror and manipulative bitch Charon was and is I would never had asked her out to begin with. I decided to call the restaurant and see if they have any footage of that night and that table and I found out that a number of press were informed I was getting engaged to Charon that night. He gave me the names and numbers of the ones who were invited. After I call four of the press, I finally get someone who has a video and refused to report on anything Charon Duncan gave a tip on. They came because they were forced to by their boss. I decide to get the booth wired and set up cameras to get the whole scene, I am going to nail this bitch to the wall after what she did to me. She used me to breakup a wealthy man from his wife. Not because the guy was cheating, but because he wouldn't cheat on his wife and she destroyed his marriage. I couldn't prove it and neither could he. Sadly he lost his wife to suicide because of that sorry bitch. Douglas Smith was just another victim of hers.
Douglas Smith
I gave Louis Stanton everything I have and we get Kate and Ethan Kavanagh to release it all to all media outlets. We send it to Tia and her family and then get Seattle to carry all of it and New York gossip columnists. It spread like wildfire and Louis completed his purchase of her company.
I watch the video and I see where Charon definitely set him up and also was the one who called in the tip. Apparently she has a history of manipulating men and there were rumors she caused a divorce of a man and his wife because it was funny to her, the wife committed suicide because all the press involved. I call Louis and he tells me that he bought her company and the sale is complete and he got a restraining order against her immediately afterward. He wants to see me, it is a good thing we are both in New York. He has someone pick me up. I don't tell him that Charon had to be escorted out of the fashion show after she created a scene. She was put in her place by a model who knew more than enough to put her behind bars. She left in a hurry after the model mentioned three first names. Not long after that the video of the so called engagement came through to my phone and then made nationwide news and even though she said she was out the country she wasn't. She didn't have money after she was sued for wrongful death by the husband she framed. He took everything he could get from her. He couldn't get the company.

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