Race Car Drivers

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Erin and I were trained so well driving we had people ask us if we wanted to race cars for a living as identical twin drivers. Everyone was against it, but dad finally gave in and Diana finally gave up arguing with us and said good luck and follow instructions. We started in the small races and went from there. Savannah met her now husband when she came to see our first race.
I am in love with one of the other race car drivers, she is unsure how he father would feel about us getting together, so it is an uphill battle. The father is always trying to get me to talk to Christian about sponsoring a race car for him. I can't do that, if he wants to chat with him then chat with him, don't use me and dangle your daughter in front if me like a reward. I stop talking to both of them completely. Felicity became persistent and I finally told her that if she wanted to date me so badly that her father needs to stop nagging me about my uncle. My accident ended my racing career.
Felicity Roberts
I finally stood up to my dad about the nagging Erin about getting Christian Grey to sponsor his team in the race. Christian Grey has never sponsored a race team and has been firm about it. He gave us another chance. We spend a lot of time on FaceTime and he will be coming home soon and I am meeting his family. He said his mother gives the females he brings home a hard time to see if they can take the heat. Dad wanted an invitation and got one. He might regret it, from what Erin told me the whole family knows about my dad and his attempts to get Christian to sponsor him.
I can't believe this guy trying to get me as his sponsor, when I am sponsoring my brother in law's already. Another wedding for the Steele family Savannah married an EMT training to be a doctor. He is seven years older than her and about to get his appoint as a general Surgeon. Mark Lucas
I just couldn't believe my luck meeting Savannah when she came to watch her brother's race on the day I substituted for a close friend of mine because his wife went into labor and he had no one to fill in. I was definitely overqualified for an EMT position and that day my skills came in very handy indeed. I saved Colin Steele's life and his race career ended that day. Colin can still do other things in the race industry. He was offered a job as a stunt driver within a month. Then they decided he looked better as an actor. So now he is acting in supporting roles. I tell you Raymond Steele is very protective of his daughters, I had heard from Christian that he made him suffer when he asked for Anastasia's hand in marriage. He wasn't kidding I was grilled about my grades in school and if I was going to be a good doctor and provide his daughter with a stable home and have children? He also told me that I better never cheat on her or he would assure I wouldn't do it again. I asked if he was going to grill his future daughter in laws like this as well. He smiled and told me that was Diana's job. He got off lucky only having two daughters. He gave me his blessing and handed me a fishing rod of my own to use on the fishing outing I am now invited to. You don't refuse bonding time with your soon to be father in law. I had no idea they were related by marriage to the Grey family and Grace Grey head of pediatric surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital. Savannah said she really didn't want to make me nervous about my training and internship being nearly completed with my testing. The wedding plans are being kept simple. Her engagement ring was my grandmother's and her band and mine are the matching bands they wore, they left them to me in their wills. They raised me after my parents died in a car wreck. Anastasia gave me a gift of a patent she just got approved and manufactured, it is for Savannah and my futures. A gift that keeps on giving.
I am amazed that an accident brought our family so much. I decided that racing was probably not my best choice and decided to train new drivers and go back to get my degree in engineering and work with Anastasia until I establish my own company. She offered to bring me on as employee like she did Savannah at an entry level and work my way up. Erin is bringing Felicity and her father Bruce Roberts to meet the whole family. This is going to be fun, he told me she is bringing her cousin Lucy Roberts with her, the one I met on my last race.
Might as well get this over with, the twins have found steady girlfriends, well I thought Lucy was a girlfriend but I was so wrong. Paul is bringing a date as well. Sam and Ray Jr aren't serious about anyone yet. So they aren't bringing anyone to the family bbq. This is going to be a great bbq party. Everyone will be here, it is a good thing we bought land and houses so close we can open up the gates between the properties to have a huge party. The amount of food for everyone is amazing and we all pitch in on the cooking and bringing covered dishes. Plus we all keep eyes on the little ones along with the mannies and nannies. Gail and Jason brought Sophie along with her little boy. She was barely married when she became a widow and found out she was pregnant. She was hired by Anastasia to work as a liaison between her company and Katia. She is very good at her job and keeps Anastasia in the loop about Katia and when they have need of new designs.

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