Tia's Fun

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A few friends and I went to the Mile High Club on New Years Eve and I rarely do this but I went home with a guy, I had no idea who he was. He didn't know my name and I didn't have his name. We definitely had a lot of sex in his hotel room. A very nice one. I left before he woke up New Year's Day and it has been a week since I saw my friends and they were curious about who I left with and I couldn't tell them his name or much else except he was fantastic in bed. Mia is in town and she is buying a home that her and Chris lost out in before and the sale fell through so they are back to buy it and close on it. They are also showing off the twins. Anastasia and Christian eloped and made a few of us that wanted to see them finally get married mad. Anastasia told us there will be a wedding for friends and family during the summer right after school lets out. I have the dress picked out already.
I can't believe she sat there like she had no clue who I was and what happened between us and she left my hotel room without so much as a goodbye to me. Her poor husband is clueless. I just need to sign these papers and take my check and leave them in my dust. I decide to go to the Mile High Club to celebrate and sit in the bar where I met her the last time. She comes in an hour later with a few friends. She has changed clothes by now and she looks hot as usual. I already have two drinks and decide to get something to eat. I see her arrive in a different dress, but this time she is with her husband and a few couples and they are being sat at a VIP table. Then I think I am seeing double, but they aren't wearing the same dress. I decide to go talk to her husband about her infidelity and our tryst in my hotel room.
Louis we were in New York on New Years Eve. Mia had just had our twins on Christmas Day. So it couldn't have been Mia. It could be her identical twin Tia, who was in Seattle on New Years Eve. The one in green is my wife, the one in red is her identical twin sister, you two should exchange names and numbers. I think you are made for each other. Ask her to dance, while I fill Mia in as to why you acted oddly when you saw her with me. I chuckle as they finally get on the dance floor. Mia and I dance and the rest of the table get up and dance as well. Mia is still nervous about the twins, but they are in good hands.
Louis thought I was Tia and I was cheating on Chris. Chris told him about Tia after he informed him that he spent New Years Eve with me in his hotel room and left without giving or getting my name. Chris laughed and told him about Tia and he saw us walking toward the table. Tia recognized him immediately and he asked her to dance with him after getting her name and him giving her his name. Chris informed him that not only was in New York, I had had twins the week before. So I was out of commission. Anastasia and Christian are having a nice time on the dance floor. Kate and Elliott keep dancing like that and it won't be long before they have another baby.
Tia and Kate are on me about putting my clothes out on the market, I am going to be too busy for that. So we might work something out where they do all the manufacturing and selling and I get a third of all profits. Tia and Kate are the ones who will chose the colors, the materials and the sizes and the target consumers. A few designs I gifted my labor to them along with the design and they are responsible for getting the patents.
Anastasia has been very busy trying to do way too much at once. She finally told me what was going on and that Kate and Tia were going to be selling new clothing lines designed by her. She tells me that they could use my input on starting this up. I told her I would bring the three of them in and make sure the numbers would work out and the profits are along with how much she is asking for use of her patents. She isn't asking too much at all.
Kate and I have been pretty sucked into our careers and the children, but Kate wants to go into business with Tia and Anastasia and I looked into everything and things don't seem that profitable to me at this point. After a few discussions of whether she would have the time to do it or not. We finally decide to go with the family and friends at the Mile High Club. We need this night out to relax.
I hold Tia and remember the night we had at the hotel. I told her I thought her sister was her and thought she cheated on her husband. I also told her that she and I had sex that night and she said that having a twin is like a double edge sword, I agreed with her on that. Tia and I head to her apartment and it is very nice. Her family bought it for her as a combined gift from all of them. Someone really knew what they were doing as far as layout and designs. Then I notice a few designs that I had never saw before any place. She said her sister in law created the complete kitchen one independent mechanism at a time. The patents are owned by her sister in law, so she is the only one who has the completed kitchen. The kitchen is being marketed in the US and sold individually.
I tell Louis he can't copy the designs for any reason. He apparently is wanting to work with Anastasia on a few ideas he has, but she is only hiring staff for her company.

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