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Gia Matteo won't leave me alone for one second and even followed me to the restroom, I asked security to see that she got home safely, because she thinks I asked her here as my date, which I didn't and I saw Anastasia and she started talking to one of the guys who wants the patent I am after. She has not met him yet, but seems that he is telling his life story to her and it is not going over well. But she also has seen me with Gia hanging all over me at every turn. She leaves the living room and I don't see where she is headed since Gia is dragging me into the kitchen. I finally asked her to leave me alone or be escorted out of the building now. She thought we were on a date. I recall inviting several people none of them were her and how she got up to my apartment is beyond me. She came with someone else and I am starting to think she came as a plus one with a couple of the guys who have been trying to charm Anastasia. I finally ask Taylor to escort miss Matteo out of the building and make sure she is never allowed back inside the building. I might need a restraining order against this woman. I get busy, but not so busy I don't know who I ask out on a date and I never met this woman until this party. After giving the order to remove Gia and her date for the party a quick farewell with security showing them the front door of the building I go find Anastasia. The person I really want to be with at midnight.
Gia Matteo
He didn't fall for me telling him he got so busy he forgot he asked me out. I had Tate allow me to come with him as a plus one and we both had objectives. Christian Grey is mine and Anastasia Steele is Sherman Tate's objective, well her patents are at least. It failed and I am on my way out the door with security escorting me out and we're told to inform the front desk I am not allowed inside the building ever again and they took a photo of me and got my name off my driver's license. I didn't even get to speak to Sherman before they made me leave.
Well she was on Grey like white on rice and he kept trying to be polite until he had enough of her shenanigans. Anastasia disappeared and I haven't seen her for a while. I do need to get those patents from her. She has refused to sell them and I have tried various attempts to get them from her. I might have crossed so many lines here tonight. So I head for the door and am about to leave and mr Grey told me to forget about the patents, that she won't sell any to him and he has known her a lot longer that me. Her patents are her property and how she makes her money selling them would defeat the purpose. He suggested not to continue trying to bully her or get her sympathy. I give up for now and leave. No point in staying if she won't sell any of her patents. Security escorts me as well, but I wasn't asked to leave yet. They asked if I had brought Gia and I admitted that I had. I can't come back into the building ever again. They got my photo and a copy of my drivers license. They told me cops would remove me and Gia the next time.
I showered and put on pajamas and laid down on the bed. After being annoyed by a few people I am exhausted. I hear a knock at my door. I open it and Christian is standing there with champagne, glasses and fruit on a tray. Can I come in he smiles. I check behind him for Gia. I see your accessory is gone.
She was not my accessory ever, I still have no idea how her and her friend got inside the building much less the party. So can I join you and ring in the New Year with you? I give her a wink and a huge smile. She allows me inside. I place the things on the desk and open the champagne and pour us a glass and make a toast for a better year without all the bad guys and gals causing us troubles. We watch the ball descending on tv. Leaning against the headboard he pulls me in for a kiss and keeps kissing me and we ring in the New Year's Day like both of us had in mind. In each other's arms. I finally tell her I want more out of our relationship than satisfying our sexual needs. I finally tell her I love her and want her to be my wife and my boys mother.
I thought he would never tell me he loves me, seeing him with Gia all over him and him trying to get her off him made me jealous, so jealous I wanted to kick her ass. I finally realized I love him and I want more from him than sex. He pulls out an engagement ring.
I know this is sudden, but we have been seeing each other behind everyone's back for a while and living together for a month. I wasn't surprised you hid in the guest room across from our bedroom. The staff and my boys know we sleep in the same room and have for a while. So I want the wedding bands and the marriage license I deserve to have you as my wife. Please make an honest man out of me. Will you marry me?
Since you asked so nicely, I will marry you. Let's fly to Vegas and have Elvis marry us.
Elvis huh? You father gave me permission to marry you while cleaning his guns. I took that as a good thing. You know they were apart and unloaded lol. So name the day and we will fly out there. I place the ring on her finger and it actually fits. I kiss her and we are naked in a matter of moments. Both of us get lost in each other as we finally fall asleep in each other's arms.
I don't recall falling asleep, but I know it was just after our last session after we collapsed into each other's arms.

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