Hidden Among The Many

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I left Anastasia to protect her step mother and her siblings from someone I am sure us coming to find Stephanie. If they find her before they get to the Lincoln's and finish them off, I might not have a family left, but I know Anastasia, she will make sure she protects them before anyone else.
Anastasia has just called me, Stephanie has had her twins and is in danger and needs to get out if the hospital now. She goes into a few details and they need to move her, her siblings and Stephanie immediately. I get Grace on the phone and set everything up to get everyone out by the way if my helicopter. The helicopter will arrive and puck up Anastasia her step mother and her siblings. I have bodyguards arrange things and they finally arrive on the roof of Escala. Cribs have arrived and we are setting everyone up in the back guest rooms and Gail is having fun with the young boys. The babies and the four year old going on fifty. The teens we are having to entertain. They go to the entertainment room and turn on music videos. I have other guest rooms and we set up Savannah and Paul in separate guest rooms close to Stephanie. Gail and Anastasia is finding out what we need to make her and the newborns comfortable.
Stephanie us sleeping a lot and the babies are needing fed, so I makes up ten bottles of formula. Diapers are needed and baby clothes. We all need clothes since we are staying here. Dad calls and I tell him I moved Stephanie to Escala and into Christian's apartment for their safety. He told me he won't be able to come there, because he is being followed. He has me tell Stephanie that. She's been through a lot and suffering from postpartum depression at this point. So Gail and I are having to handle everything on top of her already demanding job. I decide to cook supper and feed the kids. She starts a huge supper for the people in the guest apartments. She doesn't tell me who they are and I don't ask. Something tells me I don't want to know. I turn on the news and Kate is reporting that the Lincoln's are all dead at the scene and several others. I see her crying and she finally holds it together and says friends of hers died in the attacks and families will be notified by the police. Soon afterward the judge announces a huge investigation into how this came about and they are hoping to find the people responsible.
Kate and I had to find a way to hold it in, but we are in need of medical treatment and now. After we sign off the EMTs drive us to the now very busy ER. Mr Steele is helping with triage and moves us into a curtained area and looks over and makes sure he gets all our information and creates a chart and gets our blood types and oxygen levels and blood pressures. He asks about blood pressure and if there is anything we need.
I need to call my parents and Elliott. Ray hands me his phones, mine was broke during the gunfire. Jose has been injured worse than me, he got shot and might have a bullet lodged in his arm bone. Mine is not as bad as his is. I suddenly black out. Ray pulls my vest off and I was very wrong. He starts working on my rib areas, blood is coming from my ribs. He calls a surgeon and I feel the world move and bright lights. He said he thinks the assassins used armor piercing bullets and that is why I am bleeding. Ray starts calling my parents and then Elliott. He has told them to get here quickly because I am in surgery.
Enid is mad as hell at me for putting Kate in a position to possibly be killed. We head right for the hospital her crying all the way there and me begging her to forgive my stupidity. Ethan has been called and he is on his way as well. The Rodriguez family have been called as well.
My poor daughter is fighting for her life. I call Grace and ask if she can find anything out for us. She says right now Kate's surgery is touch and go. If she hadn't had a bulletproof vest on she would have died. We arrive and the ER is full of various victims, I'll people and accident victims. Jose the photographer is being sent to the OR as we arrive. They stopped the bleeding to do X-rays and now they are operating on him. The Rodriguez family is going up with him. We ask where Kate is and they send us to the waiting room for the surgery areas.
I tell End and Eamon what Zi know and Elliott comes over and hugs the Kavanagh's and then me. I tell them what is going on and the Rodriguez family asks me about Jose and I tell them everything I know so far.
I tell Grace thanks for her help getting Stephanie out of the hospital. Anastasia is helping keep her mom and her siblings safe and she is prepared for anyone who might hurt them at this point.
I would always look out for their safety in any situation, you are like our family. Family makes sure other family members stay safe from harm no matter what. I realize I just struck a sour note with the Kavanagh's after saying that and the Rodriguez family wasn't happy about what I said and looked at the Kavanagh family.
Anastasia where is your dad at?
He is being followed and can't come yet, or he will be followed and the people will follow him and find you here. I am making sure everyone is okay here and feeding them as well.
Thanks Anastasia.
Stephanie are you okay? She isn't waking up. This isn't normal for her, something is wrong. I call Gail and then dad. We have to take her to an ER but not back where she was at. Ray wants to talk to Christian and Taylor to get her safely to the hospital soon.

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