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I wake up with Anastasia and I am hugging her close to me, I moved to her side of the bed and I am under the sheets with her. I move very gently and realize the T shirt she was in has rolled up and I feel her naked next to my skin. Now I really need to get up and take a very cold shower. I just make it when I hear a knock on the bedroom door. Glad I locked it.
Christian breakfast will be here soon, I ordered for all of us, is Anastasia in there with you? I hear Anastasia say yes and I tell her I will order her something for breakfast as well. I can't locate Tia, I slept on the sofa and walk around the human carpeting on the floor. Heads moving as they hear me discussing breakfast and extra towels.
Ethan and I spent a very fuzzy night in the guest room. I took a hot shower and grab my clothing from last night. Hopefully Christian has sent for clothing for Mia and I. Anastasia had her overnight case brought from her car last night. Maybe she has some extra clothing. I am sure what Kate brought won't fit us. It will be too big in a lot of places. We can't fill out a dress like she does. I saw Elliott drooling all over her as they left the party together.
Omg they are going to think we had sex in here. I hope they believe that we just talked about joining forces on another project. Then we went to sleep, even I am not convinced. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.
Tia was already gone when I went to take a quick shower, I look and there is a used condom in the waste bin. But somehow I doubt it is from Tia and I doing anything. I brush my teeth with the new tooth brush. Breakfast is being served and people are eating wherever they can find to eat at. Food is plenty and it is two thirds gone in moments. I ask where Kate and Elliott are at and no one knows.
Elliott has a suite and he is most likely in it. I don't want to voice what everyone is thinking and that they definitely spent the night together. Anastasia
I walk out of the bedroom and take a plate of food as Mia and Tia scan me from head to toe. I tell them Christian and I were talking about me working on a project for him. Luckily I had the file that Christian gave me with my purse. I tell them it got late and we went to sleep.
A week later
I call Anastasia to tell her that a new report came across her desk and she wanted to tell her before the press printed it the next day. Her mother was found in her jail cell, it is under investigation. They have suspects and even though it was made to look like a suicide it wasn't one. Her height and how they found her ruled out suicide. Plus there is no way she would kill herself. Nothing in her history would lead anyone to that conclusion. I told her I already let Ray know and he agreed she didn't commit suicide. Anastasia started to say something but decided to keep quiet.
I have no idea who is going to bury her, because I don't want to be involved with anything to do with her, she is trouble and so is anyone who gets involved with her.
They are still investigating her death. They believe she was killed. But don't know who killed her. They thought maybe the Simms family or the family of the woman killed in her escape. But the families have alibis for the time of death. They think the only ones are the Lincoln's and they could be involved and ordered the killing since she was going to testify against them. They have the resources to do it. It is rumors at this stage. They also were arrested after finding your mother being held by them at their shipyard and was sexually assaulted and whipped. They got physical evidence that showed all the Lincoln's DNA was all over her body and clothing. It did help that she was hanging naked in a room full of whips, chains and a lot of other devices they had in the room.
Kate gave Stephanie and I a heads up about Bonnie being found dead in her jail cell and they are sure she was killed. They tried to pass a rumor of her committing suicide and investigations showed there was no way she could have physically committed suicide.
I look at our children and think of the baby we are about to have and thank God Bonnie is no longer an issue in our lives. Paul is four years old now and we are having our last baby, which are twins. Ray decided to have a vasectomy. I thanked him. We have an 18 year old, a sixteen year old, a 14 year old, a twelve year old, and a four year old and now we are having two more anyway now. Anastasia was kind of a brat when she first heard, but apologized for her atrocious behavior later that day and brought me something I craved. I asked Ray if he had talked to her and he said that she came to her own conclusion at some point and it was nothing he said.
Ray told me to print the story as she knows it to be, and show her for the horrible human she was. I promised I would definitely paint her as the horrible person she proved herself to be time and time again. Anastasia said the same thing to me and asked if I wanted any more information to ask her, because Ray told her everything.

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