A New Cross

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I watch as Mia is having yet another labor pain. I called grandfather and he is headed to the hospital as well. It would be Christmas and at two am. We suspected it would be a Christmas baby, but our doctor hoped it wouldn't be. Well he has flown the coop for Christmas with his new wife and her family. I called the Grey's and the Steele's family. For such a small person Mia has a firm grip of my hand. When she said her back was hurting yesterday morning I called and got her family on the phone and told them that it was starting and could be born Christmas Day.
After everything in Seattle security has been tightened on all of us until things are resolved there. Drew is still not able to travel, so she is having to stay for the trial of the guy who held her hostage. I have another pain and the hospital is busy with all kinds of injuries and car wrecks. My OB/GYN chose a good time to go visit relatives. Chris is getting mad and I just felt my water break. The baby is arriving and fast. I tell Christian to get anyone to help me and now. I feel like the baby is arriving .
Grandfather Cross
I make it to where I hear Mia in pain and walk in and she is glad to see me. Chris is trying to get help and had just left. She screams in agony and I ask if I can check her to see if the baby is coming. I see it's little Head and I tell her I need to help her have the baby now. After ten minutes of her screaming in pain and I have delivered her son, then her daughter. I place the babies on her and get something to clean them up. This room isn't set up for a delivery. I reach out and grab the first doctor I see and he sees why I need him. He finishes up the cutting of the cords and the babies are screaming as he moves them around. Chris arrives with two nurses and a doctor with him. They deliver the placentas and I hold one of the babies and he holds the other one. At four in the morning my great grandchildren arrived into the world delivered by me. It is a good thing I knew a little about delivering babies. I delivered Christopher's father Albert. The nurses bring the cribs in for the babies.
Isabella Grace Grey Cross and Carl Thomas Grey Cross were born at 4am on Christmas Day. Delivered by Carl Thomas Cross. Chris wanted to name his first son after his grandfather and we did and for more reasons than he raised Christopher after his parents were assassinated before they had his baby sister. His mother's doctor wasn't able to save the baby in an emergency c section. So he has security around him all the time after that. Albert was the only heir other than Christopher to the Cross family estate. Christopher was trained early that he was going to run the Cross empire. Now he has two heirs to pass the empire to.
I can't believe my grandfather delivered his own great grandchildren. I watch as he smiles at his namesake and his sister Isabella.
They came so fast I barely got him out of the girls way so she could arrive. Christopher cut the cords and the doctor delivered the placentas and they took my grandson to be circumcised.
Mia had her babies and we can't get to the hospital to see her. Anastasia is staying in the guest room for now. The boys are getting at an age they can walk into my room and they will show up at any hour. Now that Sharon is no longer a threat we were going to head back to Seattle. But because Mia was due soon we stayed and still couldn't get out to see her and her twins.
I drafted a few designs and really need to get back to Seattle to put them to the test, but Christian thought we should wait until after New Year's Day and traffic heading back will be lessened for us. I suspect he has family arriving for a bash on New Years Eve. I am not sure what is going on in Christian's mind about where we are headed, for right now we are friends with benefits. I know he is a confirmed bachelor, so at some point Zi will be looking at finding the marrying kind of guy to settle down with and he is aware of that. We have had the talk about what we want and we are content with how things are for now. In a year I have told him I am going to be completely settled into my company and will be getting married and having children of my own. I figure we will have gotten bored of the friends with benefits by then anyway. I am making sure his boys call me by my name and not aunt or mom. Don't want to confuse them.
Anastasia and Christian came by and brought us gift cards and clothes for the babies. Chris was proud as a peacock of his twins. His grandfather was telling how he delivered them because the hospital was too busy to get to me. Photos were sent to phones left and right along with they took more photos as well. The house is ready to welcome the twins. Grandpa Carl is already planning on moving into the home behind our house. He wants to be where he can spoil his great grandchildren.
Our twins are really going to be getting spoiled, but not too spoiled right grandpa?
I can only promise I will get your approval for major purchases. I have set up trust funds for them already if that is okay with you two?
I think that would be okay. Right Chris?
I started thinking about 2ho will be there for my boys if something were to happen to me. My parents and my siblings and their spouses. Anastasia and her family will be there as family and look out for them when needed. I think I need to verify things and figure out what is good for them if something happened. After all Sharon did try to kill me and then Anastasia as well.

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