Irena Glass

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Irena Glass
After I left rehabilitation I decided to get my act together and found a place to live and then work. I hid the cash where no one could find it. It took some doing but I found several places and created a place to hide the money the Grey family gave me to start over again. I knew Isabella was going to be safer with them anyway. Plus if they had known the real plan behind my getting pregnant by Raymond they would have crucified me in court. I would be behind bars if they hadn't been determined to keep the baby safe and boy did they. I have someone following me, but I am unsure who it is. Because I am once again pregnant by a very wealthy man. This time I am keeping the baby. I just haven't told him and don't want to. Now if I can make sure my dealer doesn't find me to get what he thinks is his share of the money from me giving birth to Isabella I should be fine.
Camshaft (Carl Daniels)
I thought I saw Irena and a guy was watching her. I drop everything and start following her as well. She seems to be getting into a very expensive car. Okay this tells me she definitely got the money for the baby. Yet she hasn't given me my share of the money. I looked to see what building she came out of and realize it was planned parenthood. Either she got birth control or she is pregnant again. I got her plate number and got a customer working the BMV sites. He gave me an address she could not have possibly live. That place is for the super wealthy. I now have to figure out how to find her. She definitely will pay me the cash I am owed. Even if I take that sweet ride away from her. It is her car that is clear, but she definitely doesn't live at that address.
George Sanders has shown up a few times and wants to know why I am avoiding him and his phone calls. He sees the pregnancy panthers and asks if I am pregnant and is the baby his? I tell him the truth and tell him that I don't need him to raise the baby. He wants to be there for his child and wants to marry me. I just don't want a man telling me what to do after seeing my mother and father go at it. She was scared to death of my father. The arguments and his beating her got so bad he hit the pipe on the gas stove the burner was on at the time and if I hadn't been in foster care I would have died in that explosion with them. George leaves and assures me he will support me and his child no matter what. I believe him and hug him before he leaves. I see camshaft and before I could close the door and lock it he is inside and on me. He rapes me to remind me that I belong to him. Then he asks me where his money is at from the baby? I tell him there is no money at all. He beats me again and tells me to try again and rapes me again while punching me. He starts tearing the apartment up looking for the money. He comes very close to finding the money. He beats me up again and hears a siren and grabs the keys to my BMW and leaves me to bleed to death.
Dwight Andrews Covert for Irena
Something is very wrong and the noise coming out of Irena's apartment makes me call 911 and an ambulance just in case. I saw two guys come from her apartment. One I knew and the other drove off after leaving Irena's all bloody and in her car. I take photos of him while the police go into the apartment and I follow her tracking on the car. I head to the ER to get the information on Irena. I got photos of both her visitors that day.
George Sanders
I get a report from my covert in Irena that she had a visitor after I left and she died of her injuries. He got photos of the guy driving Irena's car away and has eyes on him now. I tell him to keep an eye on him. I head to my safe room and find my sniper rifle and the silver bullets. He killed my love and our baby. I get in my van and my special creation and load everything and get in a position to get the right shot and pull the trigger. A perfect circle with a cross over his heart just like Charon. Anastasia Grey thank you for your creation. I head back home and hide the van in the hidden garage under my safe room. I clean the items and lock them in the safe. I need to go claim Irena's body. I talk to the detective and they lead me to her body and I explain my relationship to her and that the baby is mine and I left her alive. They are still looking for her car at this point. Just then he gets a text and says he has a lead on the car and the murderer. He tells me that he can't release the body yet. But the Grey family has her only living blood relative. I ask who that would be, but the detective says he can't discuss anything else. So I go talk to the Grey family.
Raymond Grey
George Sanders is standing in front of me. He has been off the radar since his parents died. When he came back from military he has been quite different than the guy I knew from before. Grandpa told me people change after losing there family to murderers and being in the armed forces. Plus he is here about Irena and she was carrying his child. He wants to bury Irena and their baby in his family plot. But apparently there is a blood relative alive and is a Grey. I tell him, we were going to bury her and the baby in our family plot. He is welcome to visit the grave if he wishes.
Raymond I think you should allow him to bury her and his child in his family plot. Can't you see he loves her and the baby. Isabella can visit when she is ready to right mr Sanders?
Yes she can. How old is Isabella?
A year old this week. I show him the screensaver. She looks exactly like Irena.
Can you forward the photo to me please?
Okay I am sorry for your losses. We don't need to be here but if you talk to my security guy here he can tell you what he knows. Bob Walden has been following her, but was too late to save her from the killer. He has sent the photos to the police.
My guy wasn't there to stop it either. The neighbors didn't hear a thing.
I saw you leave her apartment and hid and missed the guy going inside. I listened at the door and heard the loud noises and called the police and an ambulance. I had no idea how bad it was until we arrived here. The guy took off as the sirens were turned off and the cops broke into her apartment. Here is the photo of him getting into the car and driving away.
Have they arrested him yet?
They can't find him or the car. I just lied to George and I think he knows it.
Don't the Grey family have trackers on their vehicles? If not they should. I need to arrange a funeral for Irena and our baby.

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